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Hi from A Newbie


Mar 30, 2013
Hi guys .. my error I thought I had fully joined up here a while ago . My stupid error I had not posted anything before ,so will post relative garbage to get to 10 posts . I also belong to AAEC and UKV
Have been a Vaper now for 12 months , amazing how the time has passed by .For right or wrong instead of purely enjoying what I have started I immediately seemed to get embroiled in the nonsensical politics involved in #ecigs
Immediately started reading about the politics- Chris Price (Rolygate), Clive Bates etc and thought this is madness + should not be allowed to happen
I watched the farcical ENVI "debate" with Dr F in Feb 2013 and thought this madness could become a reality .Why? How?
It took a far while for the reality of the situation to sink in ..nothing at all to do with Health ,pure greed + monopolies were the answer . Govts stuck in needing the £$£|$
Fantastic work by certain Scientists to help eg Dr K Farsalinos, Jacques Le Houzec they are incredibly supportive along with Sir Clive in his advocacy role
In my short time as a Vaper 4 memorable events

1 NEES meet up in South Shields end June If I remember

2 Brussels balloon trip for ENVI vote July 10th - great time met many folks inc Liam Bryan MEP candidate

3 Vapefest - camped in a MH at the back of the venue ..too ill to take any active part on the Saturday !!!!

4 Ecig summit in November again met some memorable people before + after eg John Diver , Ash Malpass + many others ,shook Clive's hand
Struggling on now ... Helped to get the FB group EVUN up + running .This eventually has resulted in the Consumer Assocs across Europe to agree joint communiques + hopefully this sort of thing will expand as time goes on
Hi Alan LOL .... you will eventually have enough posts :yahoo: ...... By the Way everyone Gibla53 is Alan Beard, the Chairman of UKVIP. He wants to be able to post here personally as Planet of the Vapes is a very influential forum with some of vapers top active friends :strawberry:
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