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Hi from Australia


New Member
Apr 22, 2014
I've only been vaping for a few months and of course liquid nicotine can't be legally sold here in Aus, so we've got all kinds of hoops to jump through but I'm steadily learning more. As well as the current nicotine situation, one of our states has made it illegal to sell vaping hardware too - what nonsense! Anyway, now I'm looking into preparing myself for the time when we can no longer import nicotine juice & hardware and starting to look into mech mods, rebuildable atties etc.
I'll be over in the UK in a month so I'm hoping I'll be able to actually visit a store in person - doing everything over the internet gets old.
hi welcome to the planet
its a cold wet morning here, i bet its sunny and hot there :welcome2:
Hi ya and welcome to POTV, if you let us know what part of the uk you will be visiting one of us should be able to point you in the direction of a good shop!
Nope, not hot and sunny here - Winter's coming! We actually had to find a duvet last week! I think we've had 15oC nights .... practically freezing for us here in Queensland ;)

Let's see, we'll be based in Chorleywood in Herts but we'll be over in Wales around Pembrokeshire for a couple of days, Oxford for a day and central London whenever I can. (We're visiting the Parents in law but in order to get me back there my other half bribes me with little side trips.)
Ha ha 15c it's red hot I'd struggle to sleep if it was that hot here:)
:2thumbsup: Nice to see you Mate!!! I live Five Minutes from Three Vaping Shop's and I still order everything online!!!
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