Been vaping for 5 months and just starting to get into rebuildables.
Ordered a IGO-L and a Trident RDA, some kanthal, ekowool, silica.
My current hardware:
Evic & carto tank
K100 & Protank
Ego & Evod
My favourite software:
Most Halo liquids, Vincent dans les Vapes (excellent french liquids), HOL, Fuel
Been vaping for 5 months and just starting to get into rebuildables.
Ordered a IGO-L and a Trident RDA, some kanthal, ekowool, silica.
My current hardware:
Evic & carto tank
K100 & Protank
Ego & Evod
My favourite software:
Most Halo liquids, Vincent dans les Vapes (excellent french liquids), HOL, Fuel