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Hi from Glasto


Apr 14, 2014
Hi All
Been lurking for a while and thought i'd jump in.
Cracking forum with plenty of honest opinion and insightful reviews.

Been vaping now for nearly 3 months and not touched an analogue since.
If it wasn't for vaping i'd still be puffing away and smelling like an ashtray !
For me it is all about the chilling out and taking a break from life even if its just for 5 minutes.

However, having discovered so many tasty liquids its more like having a break from vaping at times ;)
If anyone can recommend a good shop near Glastonbury i'd appreciate it.
I'd like to try out flavours before buying them as it can get quite pricey !


Hi and welcome to the forum. I lived in Glasto for a while but before the ecig revolution unfortunately!
:hugs: Nice of you to join us Mate!!! Your the wrong side of the country for my help unfortunately, but I'm sure someone will be along shortly with the information you need!!!
Hiya from the muddy seaside town up the road. I love Glastonbury and often pop down to the Chalice Well and to my fave shop that has a four legged animal and bucket in its name :-)

Sent from the Land of Cheese and Scrumpy
Thanks for the welcome all :)

Just found out there is a shop opened in Yeovil.

Shall be dropping in to check it out soon. Good excuse to take the bike out for a spin on the weekend.

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