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Hi from Manchester

Eliquid does not evaporate. You are either using it faster than you thought or its leaking somewhere. I use 3-5 mls a day if that's any guide (everyone is different) . Flavour wise the tanks you are using, whilst innovative when they came out maybe 18 months ago, do mute flavours a little. Personally I would consider something like a MT3 available at a number of places but here springs to mind http://www.safercigs.co.uk/Kanger_MT3_Clearomizer/p705283_8293839.aspx

You will be able to use that on your battery as it has what is known almost universally now as an Ego style connector (tornado is another name chosen by one vendor for essentially the same thing). Bit more capacity and very good flavour.

Excuse my ignorance, the part you linked to is a atty and cart in one? I would just need this part to attach to my battery, also is the tornado tank a 510? and if so does that mean that I can buy any 510 part to fit that battery?

Yes it's an all in one tank with a replaceable coil & as mark said your tornado will have an ego style fitting. So will be what's commonly called a 510 connection/fitting
Yeah it can be daunting for a while but there's no such thing as a silly question here, everyone is here to help each other. I think of it like this "it's one long learning curve" what's right for one person isn't right for the next person ...

Well I've babbled on enough someone else's turn ....
Hi Toastedone

Welcome to POTV

Everyone here is really friendly and helpful, as you might already have discovered.

Not trying to be random, but your slice of toast just made me realise how hungry I am, think I need to start cooking something :rotflmao:
A Quick update, I have not felt the urge for a cigarette since starting, thats a great thing, I have found there is a liberty flights shop in my local town so I am going to nip in before work and buy a clearomizer and some new juice.

Today will be my first day vaping at work so am a little dubious to what my work mates will make of it, I am sure I will get mixed views, I do not intend to vape inside at work and will only do it in the designated smoking area.

What are others experiences of vaping at work?
A Quick update, I have not felt the urge for a cigarette since starting, thats a great thing, I have found there is a liberty flights shop in my local town so I am going to nip in before work and buy a clearomizer and some new juice.

Today will be my first day vaping at work so am a little dubious to what my work mates will make of it, I am sure I will get mixed views, I do not intend to vape inside at work and will only do it in the designated smoking area.

What are others experiences of vaping at work?

I look at vaping like this... Dont vape where you wouldnt/dont smoke. However, you can ask your boss how they feel about it ... I know there is an INFO sheet floating about for workers to give to their bosses... Ill find it and post it if someone else doesnt beat me to it.
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