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Hi from Scotland


Oct 14, 2013
Hi all,
have been smoking for about 40years. Tried ecigs a couple of times with mixed results. About 3 months ago via a friend tried Kanger T3S. I wanted to reduce my cigs to 10 a day. That quickly changed to just a couple a day and now hardly have a real cig at all as I prefer vaping. I have tried a few different bits of kits but for me I am happy with my vision spinner battery and T3S tank. It's easy to use and new coils are only a couple of quid.
I am now into mixing my own juice, which is fun and am still at the experimenting stage to find the best mix for me.
Apart from how much I save from not buying cigs, I feel so much healthier and my wife loves that I don't taste like and ashtray and no fag reek in the house.
I enjoy smoking so vaping is the way ahead for me.
the only issue for me is I enjoy it so much I probably vape more than I smoked cigs before but what the hell, it's cheaper and healthier. It's a no brainer. Anyone wanting to change then the best advice is a little perseverance to find a liquid that suits you and a decent bit of kit and there's no going back to cancer sticks. My aim is to spread the word.
Hi & Welcome to the Planet from a fellow :scotland:

Congrats on the switch and :diy: is the way forward in finding your all day vape
Hello and welcome DadKay! It's great to hear your story and that you have found what suits you in vaping. This is a great place to learn more, but beware that you can be tempted to buy new shiny gadgets!
HI and welcome. I also vape more than I smoked but I love it. No stinking breath and more energy. More expensive for me but I much prefer it to smoking my rollies.
:welcome1: to POTV from a fellow Fifer :scotland:

Just wait until you want to re-coil your own heads for the Kanger T3S, you'll save even more :D
I got up today,wandered downstairs & on opening the door to the living room....whoa! Whats that smell....

Only residue from my blackcurrant vaping before I went to bed lmfao
Hi and welcome from little old me, congratts on the change over to vape, and great it is working so well for you :)
Welcome, you will find all the advice and help you need on this forum, I know I did
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