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Hi my name is Justin, and I'm a vape-aholic.


Feb 6, 2014
Not really, just wanted a clever title haha. Well, here's my story: I'm actually feeling pretty stupid and guilty about vaping because I wasn't really a smoker. I fit into the "social smoker in front of only certain groups of people and definitely never my wife or family" category! I'm in a band and I would always be tempted to go buy a pack at practice cause all the other guys would smoke. But then everyone in the band bought a vape..."thing"? (eGo-T) to be exact. One guy swore vaping saved his life, said he went from a pack a day to vaping, and felt so much better, etc. Well we played a showcase and they had a bunch of vendors set up. My other buddy in the band pulled the trigger and bought himself a set-up and I was jealous cause it seemed awesome. So I broke down, against my very pregnant wife's wishes and bought a batter, tank, usb charger and 2 small bottles of liquid for $32 which I felt wasn't too bad really. Anyways she thinks I'm stupid and that I just started a lifelong addiction to nicotine, and maybe she's right. I think I am attracted to the fact of having something in my hand and something to DO more than just the nicotine. At night lately I have been vaping instead of eating a fatty snack. I'm just afraid of the potential harmful effects vaping may have on me. I know it's better than smoking. But anyways here I am. (btw, I love the name of the site and logo - POTA is my favorite sci-fi movie series lol) oh and for those who are gonna ask, the MG's I have are mostly 12s, I have one 18, and one 24 that the lady gave me for free (she gave us all a random free juice for bringing her business and mine was pink champagne which is pretty rough lol) Sorry for this being a giant run-on sentence, apparently the "enter" button is disabled here. justiniawa on twitter - say hi
What do you call a bloke with a small dick?

Justin lol...

Only kidding mate, welcome!
Justin I would recommend you reduce to 0 nic or 6mg because 18mg for a non smoker is a lot

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