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hi :-) Newbie alert!


Nov 20, 2013
hi everyone. Istarted vaping a week ago and have not even thought about having a real cigarette since.
I bought a eGo ce4 starter kit and it works great.

Can anyone tell me what other atomisers/clearomisers work with my eGo batteries?
The thicker the vapour the better :-)

Blueberry Ice is my flavour of choice at the mo :-)
Hello and welcome the ce4 is an ego connection so look for ego fittings, you can get the Kanger pro tanks but with the size of the battery look at the mini as it will look more aesthetically pleasing
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Hi and welcome to POTV :)
Hi & Welcome to the Planet

evods and PT mini's as mark said will look best and improve the vape quality too
Welcome to the Planet Mate!!! As said previously I'd go for a Protank Mini or Davide mini they're both good!!!:welcome1:
welcome also, new person.
+1 on the evods for an ego battery. (use them myself). If you go for some/one, go for a lower ohm option if it's available. 1.8-2.0 ohm are great with the fixed 3.7 volts of the ego battery.
hi there :)

this is my pro tank 2 on my emergency ego battery.
:welcome1: R0ughn3ck5666! Plenty of options available for your ego batteries, as long as it's either eGo threaded or 510 threaded (in which case you can use a plinth to take up the gap) you're laughing.
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