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Hi there.....

Welcome to POTV @bish186

I know things like mods are expensive to replace and you have enough skills to take one apart by the sound of things.If you need to keep opening it up and drying it off it may be getting to the point where it is dangerous. Get a new or newer mod when you can then you can delve further into this one and maybe find the gremlins you have inside it. It's a moisture issue for sure by the sound of it. Unlike water though it may be a lot harder to dry out/ evaporate eliquid ingress.

It's my own fault. The old tank I put on the new mod was leaking out the bottom pin so went down the gold pin right into the mod casing. I've had no luck today. I can't prise the glued screen on top off I think it'sgonnabreak if I do
It's my own fault. The old tank I put on the new mod was leaking out the bottom pin so went down the gold pin right into the mod casing. I've had no luck today. I can't prise the glued screen on top off I think it'sgonnabreak if I do

I could nearly guarantee it would break it if it was me doing it. A hairdryer might do it but you've probably tried already.
Just like messing about with an old pc. After a good deal of trying and failing I'll just take the reusables out and throw it up the dump.
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