Cheers mate, what’s the best juice to get? And what strength would you recommend?
For a a 20 a day man12mgs should do it, as long a you use plus ohm coils in your tank. 6mgs or less if you prefer a warmer vape and therfor use coils under a ohm. Aspire Nautilus uses either 1.8s, 1.6 (can't tell the difference from the 1.8s!) or 0.7s coils. Zenith uses 1.7s or 0.8s (I haven't tried the .8s yet).
With vaping, you need to vape for longer than you would if a ciggy took you 5 mins to smoke..then 8-10 mins with vaping. I don't chain vape..just here and there...maybe more in the evenings. But you may fnd that you'll be vaping a lot to start off with..until you get in to the swing of things...that's okay..takes the body and mind a while to get used to it. I was fine...except for using the wrong nic strength at first!
As for juices....ah well....that's the 64 million pound question!!! Any of them mate! There's hundreds of them out there! I started with tobacco flavours to start with, simply cos the other flavours didn't (at first) appeal to me, so I just bought the best cost effective 10mls I could find. Vampire Vape was the very first one I tried...I bought several tobacco ones from Electric Tobbaconist as they do 3 bottles for a tenner and free P&P if you spend £10.
LiQuid juices, might be a good place to all their juices are £1. Not the best flavours, but I bought some, just to get an idea of what flavours I would like. I also have had some from Halo (love their Menthol Blast as it's strong! Very Strong..i like strong menthols!).
It'll take you a few months to find out what brand and flavours you'll like...I've only scratched the surface of all the juices out there...and have thousands more to's very much hit and miss. I've chucked a few bottle s away already, but have found a few that I now like. Cherry Menthol from Halo is very nice!
Oh...and I suppose I should mention them, as all the seasoned vapers in here do..Manabush! Not cheap at £5 a bottle, but they are lush. The company is run by a POTV member, set up a few years ago. I've only tried a few of his so far...many more to buy and try....defo one for the evenings after a nice meal!
Best thing is, work out what things you like..fruits..tobacco..pudding flavours (yes there are!)..etc ect..and start there. Istopped using tobacco flavours after a couple of weeks, as I found I didn't like them I'm now trying other's all one very big experiment just have to try 'em!
There's many juice vendors out can use the discount codes for some of them that can be found here, just look in the Discount Codes link at the top of the forum page. Plenty of codes, just use the appropriate one when checking out.
Just makes sure the PG/VG ratio is suitable for an MTL tank. Upto no more than 70% VG in a MTL tank. I'm slightly PG intolerant, so I use 50% PG or less, juices. The PG helps to give you that throat hit associated with smoking...but I found after a while, that I no longer need the throat hit, so I now use less PG.
Everybody is different, you'll find your own juice balance in time.