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Sep 6, 2012
So, just now I'm vaping a CE5 clearomiser with FSUSA Nutella eliquid and a Tornado Twist. Just noticing a burnt taste when using higher voltages and not sure if it's the CE5 or the eliquid...any ideas???
Not sure about ce5s but with ce2s I find most chocolate based eliquuid burns easily even at quite low voltage, so it might be that :)
Cool, makes sense as I've been sat chain vaping for the last 10 minutes or so on a higher voltage...think I'll give the nutella a break and go back to the ciggaweed! :D
Burning tastes normally mean a wicking problem ie the juice isn't getting to the heating coil
Whats the resistance of the ce5?

if its a 1.8-2.0 ohm it will probably taste a bit burnt at the twists higher voltage settings.
sweet e-juice tends not to like higher voltages and when turned up you may get a burnt taste. Try and keep the voltage in the sweet spot for the e-juice especially when using low resistance equipment.
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