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how do you dip your wick?

Another kayfun build. 1ohm dual .5mm ribbon micro coils.

Cotton in pre cutting, wetting and pasting down

Snugged in with bottom part of chimney fitted.

Slightly clearer shot, I probably could have got away with a touch less cotton as airflow is slighty restricted compared to the tri chimney build. It is however a much more pleasant vape, an all day set up if you will.

I've sat it back on the roller, I now have a fairly compact carry about device with good capacity both tank and cell wise in 18650 mode (2900mah/4.5ml) or extremely compact in 18350 mode.*

What I would like to do is fit a kick 2 for use in 18350 mode. Those puny cells taper off far too fast for my liking.
Taifun gt. Tiger coil, .5x.1mm ribbon and .25 kanthal twisted, I use a driver that fits in the slots as a mandril so this came in at 1.2ohm, its six wraps, screwdriver is about 3mm or 1/8th.

You can see here how the walls drop away to aid wrapping the wire around the screws

And here's the cotton pre trim. I cut it off about 1/4" proud of the walls then wet it and paste it to the outside of the chamber.*

I'm using it to test my custard and irish cream blend. So far so good.

As an aside, *I've had a split in my lip for ages, I had read that this can be drying out caused by heavy pg juice. I'm now mixing at 50/50 and my lip is finally healing up which is nice.

I do really like the taifun, even more than the kayfun if I'm honest, the draw is perfect with the reducers removed (1.8mm I believe) and flavour and vapour production is great. Its also slightly less prone to heating related pressure induced leaking than the kayfun possibly because your forced not to overfill it (don will understand why, you take off the tank and fill it to just below the chimney oring so you have quite an air space when its assembled).
One for the nut cases

Three strands of .25 kanthal, *five or six wraps around a couple of clone screwdrivers came out at .2ohm.....warm flavourful vape and testing my samsungs out nicely.*

I was a little scared of it at first tbh:suicide2::diablo::crazy:

Edit. .....

  • [size=x-large]I was nervous so I rechecked it with my fluke..... .3ohm I'm much happier now:diablo:[/size]

So the tridents rewicked along with a bonus test fire video heres the coils

Here's the wicks pre wetting and seating

And here they are snugged and ready to rock

I've gone with less cotton this time and planted it on each side rather than tucked under, see if more airflow around the coils helps with vapour production.

Next the kayfun......hmmm the kayfun, I was kinda feelung the taifun had ruined it but decided maybe it just needed the right build in it.


Thats some wraps of tripple twisted .25 kanthal around a blue handled clone screwdriver. *Came out at .7ohm on the vamo which experience tells me is .8ohm on the fluke. Bang on where I wanted it. Kayfuns apparently dont like to go much below .8ohm, they signal their displeasure by melting the insulator......but at 1ohm I find mine to be a cool vape, even with dual coils in there.

Here's the wick

And here's it trimmed wetted and seated

Its a lovely warm flavourful vape, vapour production is still disappointing, *I'm going to take a drill bit to the airway when its empty again, see if I can get some air in there.

Now the tirimisu flavour concentrate from nanny bakes on ebay.....

To make 10.0mls @ 12.0mg Nicotine(Mls)
Base Nicotine - 1.7
PG : - 2.3
VG : - 5.0
Nanny Bakes Tirimisu - 1.0
Total Flavouring - 1.0
Expected PG:VG Ratio - 50:50
Actual PG:VG Ratio - 50:50

Thats what I'm testing out, its bloody lovely! A kind of dry coffee cake flavour rather than the typical brandy soaked sponge of a cheap tirimisu, *with a lovely creamy overtone. I'm very impressed and will definitely be getting more of these "super concentrates" to try.
I'll play .....

Luxe dripper
2 strands of twisted .30mm Kanthal
SS mesh
Bobas Bounty
Coming in around 0.8 - 0.9 ohms

Firing away nicely ..... that will do

That has never happened to me before ..... :doh::doh::doh:
Ah. Sorry, dont really frequent cpf. We'll have to sling an edc thread in the off topic chatter. :)
Double cross rda. 1mm x .1 ribbon quad coil .4ohm. Wicks dry in two good pulls lol

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