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How long should my charged Ego last?


Oct 28, 2013
Another numpty question but I'm sure I've been done... I've got two 'ego' batteries, one I *think* is a 650, the other an 1100.. both less than a month old... neither managing to keep going longer than 6 hours... I'm sure the guy in the shop said they should last longer than that!

I'm not constantly on them... currently vaping between 2&3 mls a day, and as it feels like I've been awake 20 hours a day lately, that doesn't equate to heavy use in my mind!

I'm charging them once the lights go red, with the supplied charger, til the lights go out- am I doing something wrong or do I have duff batteries?

Cheers guys! :D
Well the battery will last how ever much you use it, 2 to 3 mls a day is a reasonable amount so yeah from my experience 6/8 hours of heavy use, if you are lucky.
Thread title should be 'how long should my 'charged' ego last'.... too much wine again it seems!! ;)
I always considered myself lucky if my battery lasted the time to vape a whole tank(about 1.5ml)
As a quick rule of thumb, they say every 100mAh equates to an hour of normal vaping, so 6.5 & 11 hours respectively, but obviously this isnt an exact science. Also I edited your title to 'changed' but I was tempted to put ....for a pisshead at the end :P
Thanks AndyC1971... can't for the life of me think who might have driven me to the drink.... ;)

So, from what you guys superior knowledge tells me, I'm getting about what is expected out of them... which leads to a new question...

Is there anything better I can use, whilst not having to change my current CE5's and belvoed eVod?!
There is a whole world of vapegear out there :), if you are looking for something with better battery life, you will need something that can hold larger rechargeble batteries, the world is full of the things, if you have a shop near you ask if they have anything bigger, maybe something in the lines of an Innokin SVD or Vamo or SID would suit you.
CE5's and evods screw into eGo threading so as long as you make sure whatever you get has eGo threads then they'll work OK.

If you want more battery life you'll need a bigger battery, which means an 18650 mod or a box mod like the MVP.

You'll get a better result, quality of vape wise, by upgrading the tanks than the batteries, but most mods out will let you screw on an eGo threaded atomiser.
Thanks everyone for your advice... I'm told I'll have something shiny and new to play with very soon thanks to a certain member's generosity :)
Can I slightly hijack this thread as it's related?

I'm not a heavy vaper, 1ml a day if that really, so my twist can go 3 or so days before I charge it. With regards to my back-up batteries how long do they keep charge for unused? Do they even lose charge unused?
I have 2 spare so one barely gets used but unsure if I should charge it after X days so it isn't flat if I need it if my back-up goes tits up ;)
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