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How to contact SMOK?!?!

You could try a factory reset.

With the batteries inserted, leave the battery door open and turn the mod upside down.

Hold down the plus and minus buttons and close the battery door.

When the screen fires up it will ask if you want a factory reset.

Tried factory reset but didn't work! STILL only registering that Batt A is Full and Batt B is depleting (BOTH fully charged) and reading "Ohms too low" still on screen also :(
Have you tried a different tank? That will at least narrow the issue down to the mod or tank.

Afraid Smok don't have the best reputation for reliability or customer services, in fact, it's crap.

You can try contacting Smok through their website but even if they, by some miracle reply, they will just do the usual (Try an update, contact retailer etc)

The unbalanced discharge is a very common problem, I've seen numerous people have this issue. Afraid no fix has been found and people just bin the mod.

This isn't helpful, I know so sorry but afraid it's best can do!

Different tank doesn't work either?!?! The baby beast tank works fine on my H-Priv 220w (also Smok) but wont work on the Alien mod due to previous mentioned problems! :(
any chance of trying another coil in the tank as it could be a naff coil that just wont register.

cant believe im actually going to suggest this but maybe contemplate a software update but if you do go down that route make sure you pick the right one as there is two available and the wrong one will totally brick the mod. when you turn it on check the version code.

Its a brand new coil that is in there I'm afraid to say and as I have said in a previous comment, the baby beast works fine on my Smok 220w H-Priv but wont work on the Alien 220w mod! :(
so two options.
software update which may or may not work or bin it :(
or as said take it back to shop but after 9 months they might just fob you off and say cntact smok.
Afraid it's definitely the mod then.

I can't see how both issues would be linked unless it's a fault on the board. Honestly, it's not really worth repairing. You could try finding an Alien board somewhere and switching it yourself, but to send it off to someone to be fixed would probably end up costing more than the mod is worth. It's only a guess the board is faulty though, it could be two separate faults (510 and battery connectors). Either way, sorry but looks like new mod.
Just keep getting on to smok, I managed to get a replacement h-priv through them back in 2016 when mine went faulty, I was emailing them almost every day and they eventually got a UK supplier to send me a new 1!:2thumbsup:
I bought a Smok Alien 220w kit with baby beast tank some time ago and it has hardly been used but now its not giving an ohm reading even with a brand new coil?!?! 0.00 (Ohms too low warning) It also says that battery B is constantly losing charge??? You put in two brand new batteries and just watch the bar on battery B deplete in a matter of minutes?! Has anyone else suffered with these probs or does anyone have a way of contacting Smok customer services so I can discuss this issue?! Any help would be greatly appreciated guys! Many thanks in advance :)
Lol that made me giggle mate... I know it's wrong but still...
Safe time, effort, frustration and whatever else... forget and move on
"Dear Santa..
Pweese fix my mod. It's bwoken*...."

You'd probably have more luck...

*pretend to be 5! It helps with Claus....
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