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How to save money, back again (and a new RTA)


Jun 17, 2015
How to save money? Take a break from the POTV Forum!!..

The first 3 weeks of September were a really busy time for me for many personal reasons, which continued until October so I decided to take a break from the forum and other online activities until things calmed down / returned to normal. When they kind of did I realised my bank statement was only 1 page long, my balance was better off and I wasn't getting anxiety attacks every time I saw a red Vauxhall Combo.. I like this!

So over a week ago I start doing some early Christmas Shopping.. Hunting around for bits I decided to order my Mrs some new vape gear as the tired old MVP3 and Lemo drop (which she's ironically dropped a few dozen times) I've handed down to her are starting to show seriously wobbly 510 signs of age. So into the basket goes a Cloupor mini - as she wanted something the same size is my IPV D2, and a Lemo 2 - as she was jealous of my top fill Zephyrus but loves the single coil and airflow of her Lemo Drop. Fingers crossed should be a winner..

Then the bad part.. I start seeing attys, mods, stuff and bits everywhere. Instead of ordering my Mrs stuff a week ago it took me several days of looking at new attys before I decided to 'treat myself' to something new, good job I started early!

Anyway, never thought I would ever be one for the new style of (I hate to call them subtanks) sub ohm RTA's but I enjoyed my Zephyrus immensely (Thank you MrTeaTime!) and can't seem to go back.. Some kind of Stockholm Syndrome maybe?.. The dual coils were the only thing - give me a simple single coil any day - the reason I bought the Lemo Drop as my first RTA, but finding one with a single coil deck and a large airflow to match the Zeph seemed tricky.

So I ended up getting myself a Morph tank and I couldn't be happier. Sod the lack of top fill, this thing packs loads of flavour, airflow and in general is such a neat well machined design. Don't plan on using the attachments for sub coils as I was only interested in the RBA deck which I Was able to get a decent build in first time, no messing about in about 20 minutes. Plus, buying stuff less frequently has really made it all the more special as an experience.. Not sure if that's a good thing or a door to the dark side again lol..

So anyone else looking for a good RTA with big airflow and a single coil deck check it out, worth every penny IMO!

Sorry for the length of this post, making more of an effort to come online without buying more stuff will be hard but let's take it one day at a time.
I got the morph. Use the build deck and sub attachment. Great tank IMO
We need to talk Ike, before you spend another penny, get yourself around here, I have things to show you and damn cheap. ;)
Hopefully I can manage my addiction better this time round!

Sounds interesting Rob! Will try and free up some time maybe next week..
Welcome back! In a strange way I feel as though POTV helps me refrain from spending, it's as though I live some of my vaping experience through other members.
Have to agree with you snowwolf :2thumbsup:
Very easy to watch everyone raving about the latest "must haves" and then watch those fall from favour as the next big thing comes along. Everyone and their Dog was trumpeting the SubTanks a while ago, then it was the Nautilus Mini and whatever Mod it was, none of which interested me in the slightest I admit, but one likes to keep as up to date as one can in this fast moving market.

The only thing that has caught my eye in recent days has been the new Snow Wolf Mini, which for my tastes I find far more aesthetically pleasing. That said, I already have a Mod that is as near as dammit the same power and is its equal as a fingerprint magnet :D so suspect I'll refrain.
I was the same when I set the forum up! Shinyitus is a genuine affliction but the first step to full remission is admitting you have a problem ;)
With me I now find that I have a setup I'm happy with that lasts for 6 months (possibly three if I'm honest) and then something better comes along. The only thing I really struggle with are liquids, too many tasty treats!
I have avoided shinyitus to an extent, all I've been buying are reliable mechs, rda's and a cpl more Taifun clones to tide me over any uncertainty. The only unnecessary purchase is a Bellus to see if that has the build quality to last, if so, and I like the vape, I may get a cpl
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