For the juices id be getting something along the fruity lines and any ideas what mods I can get for the big boi as I haven't had or done a mod yet I'm still a noobie
Actually, for your kit, an aga s, or a vision eternity might be more ego friendly...but...a vamo mod is a good piece of gear, it will need batteries and a battery charger though, you can get all that in a kit, but, that'd pretty much wipe you out, so you would have two spinners and a vamo, a vivi nova and no juice! Gah!

Still, an iGo-L is a great rebuildable, cheap, easy to set up with some wire and wick, which are cheap too, and still money for juice, it will look a bit odd on an ego though, and it is better to have something that you can check the ohms on, so that you don't end up blowing up the world, but hey, we all gotta live before we die, eh.