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IDEAS! New Mod or First RBA, What would you buy?


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Guys,

Been vaping since December and having a great time now.

Cant stop expanding my collection (I swear I gave up smoking to save money!)

Anyway, I now have an MVP2 with iClear 30 which works great, but want to move up in the vaping world.

I have my birthday in a couple of weeks and the other half has asked what I want.

I do not know whether to go with a new mod or get a decent atty.

I have been looking at the Vamo but will it make much difference to my MVP V2, I dont think so.

So then I thought maybe get an RBA or maybe even a dripper.

If its going to be a rebuildable it needs to be easy to work with as I have never got involved with them before!

Any thoughts?
Dripper go igo (l for single coil,w for dual) rba taifun/kayfun or genesis if ur nifty with ur hands

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Igo L is a very good bit of kit as an intro to dripping and getting coils built, it is cheap as well.
Check out stealthvape for rebuildable supplies.
Get yourself a cheap dripper, then when you've got the hang of coiling it move up to a Kayfun.
Igo L looks like its a winner at the moment then!

I did order some Kanthal and Ekowool beginning of the week (must have already subconsonciously made the rebuildable jump).

Are these good materials to start off with?

I heard its easier to work with than silica or SS Mesh but as I say, no personal experience.

Also just checked out the stealthvape site (thanks Doofry) and now there is voodoowool in the mix!
I started this after Xmas and have a kfl + and Taifun GT, both quite easy to set up, I had six months practice recoiling evod heads first which must have helped, I still trying to get the best of these two before any more shiney purchases though ;-) good luck with whatever you decide on
Thanks Red Daddy appreciate your input.

I think I will go with the Igo L or Igo W, even though my shinyitis is telling me to get the Kayfun :)
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