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Idiot proof sub ohm tank

Yes you can as been said by others......

excuse my smutty response - but what tanks have you got/using atm, you didn't mention them
(might help)

also what tip are you/missus using - that might help also and/or it might be her technique that may need altering
(snigger snigger - stop it)

I mean, I went & sucked like a golf ball through a hose trying to draw my last breath like my life depended on it
and I wasn't drinking liquid on some of my MTL tanks so a little curious what tanks (likely RTA if you build your own) you got
Yes you can as been said by others......

excuse my smutty response - but what tanks have you got/using atm, you didn't mention them
(might help)

also what tip are you/missus using - that might help also and/or it might be her technique that may need altering
(snigger snigger - stop it)

I mean, I went & sucked like a golf ball through a hose trying to draw my last breath like my life depended on it
and I wasn't drinking liquid on some of my MTL tanks so a little curious what tanks (likely RTA if you build your own) you got

No offence taken. It was quite amusing!
We both have Kanger MTL atomisers (V2 I think). Standard tips. They are identical in every way but she does the golf ball in a hose pipe trick & is unable/unwilling to draw less hard. She's very impatient.
Mine work & hers don't so it has to be down to technique.
I buy them too just in the uk because their cheap enough without having to order from China

That certainly is a cheap deal. It's Double Dutch to me though. Do all these coils work with all attys? I don't know my Claptons from my Erics!
I think I'm going to need a new mod too as hers is an inset type & the tip wouldn't clear the case.
I see SR Vapes do starter kits & some in a sale. Could you please suggest a low cost kit that takes replaceable coils & what coils to order? She doesn't want clouds, just a decent throat hit.
One more thing, 2ml doesn't seem very much juice. I larger tank size would be preferable.
One more thing, 2ml doesn't seem very much juice. I larger tank size would be preferable.
No offence taken. It was quite amusing!
We both have Kanger MTL atomisers (V2 I think). Standard tips. They are identical in every way but she does the golf ball in a hose pipe trick & is unable/unwilling to draw less hard. She's very impatient.
Mine work & hers don't so it has to be down to technique.

If she is still MTL fan (taking it down like a fag), then get a Zenith or Zlide
if you want a RTA MTL tank - well there are numerous ones out there
but think you "might" look to consider a better MTL tank like Zenith/Zlide tbh if she is still MTL'ing

You can get a deep draw on that - but tbh I doubt if you will need such a strong deep draw to get flavour out of it

It won't be wasted even if she decides to go DTL as you will probably love it over the Kanger

Another thing - she might need a slightly higher nic fix than you.....
You might be OK on say 11mg but she might need 16mg to get her nic fix

If you go to DTL you might need to lower her nic a bit anyway

It "could" be down to her technique born out of a slightly higher nic craving from a modest Kanger tank atm
The Zenith/Zlide will blow the Kanger away imho on straight forward 0.8 or 1.6 coils

just my opinion before you jump to a DTL tank - as said I reckon if it don't float her boat you will love it but I'm a biased Zenith user
If she is still MTL fan (taking it down like a fag), then get a Zenith or Zlide
if you want a RTA MTL tank - well there are numerous ones out there
but think you "might" look to consider a better MTL tank like Zenith/Zlide tbh if she is still MTL'ing

You can get a deep draw on that - but tbh I doubt if you will need such a strong deep draw to get flavour out of it

It won't be wasted even if she decides to go DTL as you will probably love it over the Kanger

Another thing - she might need a slightly higher nic fix than you.....
You might be OK on say 11mg but she might need 16mg to get her nic fix

If you go to DTL you might need to lower her nic a bit anyway

It "could" be down to her technique born out of a slightly higher nic craving from a modest Kanger tank atm
The Zenith/Zlide will blow the Kanger away imho on straight forward 0.8 or 1.6 coils

just my opinion before you jump to a DTL tank - as said I reckon if it don't float her boat you will love it but I'm a biased Zenith user
Thanks very much for the recommendation but £2 a coil though? Is there an atomiser that takes cheaper replacement coils?
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