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I'm just a vaper :D

It's not my first post..

I would be the first to slam Smok considering I've had one autofire on me. But they have seriously upped their game. The Species too. After daily use for 4 months, it hasn't a mark on the paint or missed a beat.

Aspire was our best seller but have had nothing but issues with them. The Dynamo is terrible for many reasons for example.

Credit where credit is due, Smok have massively improved.
Praising Smok in your first post,um
Just ordered a smok nord from France for the increased capacity after seeing you mention it, I've been eyeing one up for a little while.
Also ordered some of your juice in 6mg and 12mg for it. :2thumbsup:
You should of pm'd me. I have the 3.5ml and the pod/coil kits.
You won't regret it though. Smashes the Breeze kits.
Both me and Craig have used ours daily. They don't struggle with high VG either with the 0.6 coil.
Just ordered a smok nord from France for the increased capacity after seeing you mention it, I've been eyeing one up for a little while.
Also ordered some of your juice in 6mg and 12mg for it. :2thumbsup:
You should of pm'd me. I have the 3.5ml and the pod/coil kits.
You won't regret it though. Smashes the Breeze kits.
Both me and Craig have used ours daily. They don't struggle with high VG either with the 0.6 coil.
Pm'd you, Ive got the aspire breeze 2 and its useless.
It's not my first post..

I would be the first to slam Smok considering I've had one autofire on me. But they have seriously upped their game. The Species too. After daily use for 4 months, it hasn't a mark on the paint or missed a beat.

Aspire was our best seller but have had nothing but issues with them. The Dynamo is terrible for many reasons for example.

Credit where credit is due, Smok have massively improved.
''I don't believe it,she's doing it again...''lol
Hello Sam, welcome back!

And cute pooch too! :)

So, Smok is now upping it's game, whilst Aspire's is going down..bummer! I use several Aspire mods & tanks, the mods are okay, as are the tanks for the most part, but the coils...those darned coils..especially the BVC ones..they're crap now. I'm stilling not getting more than 3 or 4 days out of each one...no matter how carefully i prime it. Here's hoping Aspire pull their socks up soon too.
Thank you Deaf

They genuinely do seem to of improved yes. For a Smok coil to last over a week and still going...

The Species I picked up for my hubby is still in perfect condition, whereas my Drag 2 that I bought the same day is a mess.

We have never had any issues with Aspire coils. Just the mods really. We have had numerous devices back faulty.

They just seem to be rushing them out lately.

I have never been a Smok fan but the paint has improved, the Nord is just great and coils are better.

Hello Sam, welcome back!

And cute pooch too! :)

So, Smok is now upping it's game, whilst Aspire's is going down..bummer! I use several Aspire mods & tanks, the mods are okay, as are the tanks for the most part, but the coils...those darned coils..especially the BVC ones..they're crap now. I'm stilling not getting more than 3 or 4 days out of each one...no matter how carefully i prime it. Here's hoping Aspire pull their socks up soon too.
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