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Innokin Bus Campaign Giveaways~ Share your story and win!


Overseas Vendor
Jul 10, 2015

To celebrate this advocacy campaign Innokin is running an international giveaway across social media. ‘Share your story’ about how vaping changed your life for a chance to win a great Adept Zlide Kit from Innokin. ❤️


We choose the Innokin Adept Vaporizer and Zlide Tank to be featured in the bus campaign as they provide a superior vape experience that is easy, dependable and designed for smokers.


Vaping is facing challenges through misinformation and we need your support. Your story makes a difference, so please share your experiences and help smokers make an informed decision about vaping. ⠀

Good luck in the giveaway and we’re looking forward to hearing your story! Thank you! ⠀:happy guys:

To enter the Givewaway:⠀

1. Visit the Adept Product Page for more information about the Adept kit.

2. Comment below to share your experience about how vaping change your life. (Or If you want to share more details about your vape story, hit me up by sending an email to [email protected]. We value your voices!)⠀

*For even more chances to win: Share this campaign post and tag 3+ friends. ⠀

Five winners will be drawn on Nov.4th, 2019. Each winner will get a Adept Zlide kit. :opengift:

. Winners will be selected randomly from all eligible entries.
· You must be legal vaping age to enter this giveaway.⠀
· Submitted Stories may be shared on Innokin Social Media.⠀
. If you can invite a friend to join the POTV-Innokin forum and participate in the giveaway then that would be great, but it is not a requirement to enter and win. If more people join these giveaways then we can run more of them and giveaway more great prizes.

Good luck and thank you very much for joining this giveaway! ;)

Please share this and tag friends to join in! :grouphug:
Visit the Innokin Campaign page for more info: How much do you know about vaping? – A Better Vape Experience
1. Visited. Kit looks so nice and cool! I'd love to try it.

2. My vaping story started about 3 years ago.
But first, a little foreword - I wasn't some kind of a hard-smoker, but I've tried to quit smoking several times, almost reached the goal, but in the end I failed everytime. The only thing I managed to do - I've switched to hookah instead of cigarettes. Yeah, I know, it is not a reasonable decision, but at least I was not smoking pack a day.
And, finally, some day about 3 years ago I saw my friend vaping. This is it - a new start of my life.
I've bought some simple mod (seems like it was Kanger Subox) and started vaping. Oh, good old times, tons of wire and cotton used to learn proper wicking, hours and hours of online reading to understand all the ropes. Then I've dicovered that I can mix liquids myself, choose nic amount, choose flavor, choose pg\vg - everything myself. Yes, it was good, interesting and exiting. And it still is! I've switched my wife to vape also, and she is so grateful for that.
During this not so long vape-voyage we've seen so much, observed the evolution of vape devices - from small vapepens to mech-mods, big boxmods and, finally, to PODs of different kinds, and it still goes on! We've met new friends and started a life much more healthier.
Now I can't imagine how people can still smoke cigarettes, with all that disgusting and stinky smell and other so-called "benefits" :lol:

So come to the dark vape side, we have cookies :2thumbsup:

@Peter_Dr @BigCloud @ItsRaw
I like the concept of the high-protected mods. It is really very practical!
But it would be nice to have the VW or VV mode in the device

I came to vaping thanks to my technical curiosity
My friend showed me the AIO e-cigarette and said that it helps him to REDUCE the amount of cigarettes consumed.
I am an engineer, and I was primarily interested in the technical stuffing of the device.
About two months I spent studying this topic and realized which device I needed. It was Kayfun mini v3 MTL RTA
Quitting smoking was not my goal, but very quickly I completely gave up cigarettes. It took about one week.
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1. Visited. Nicely done mod, like all the protections.
2. I remember myself smoking all my life (probably not all). Not a pleasant memories. Dropped all my cigs into the trashbox to try vaping. Now I'm clean for almost two years and it feels good.
1. It is done.

2. I was smoking light cigarettes for 7-8 years and I thought it is ok, like no dependence at all. The trick is you can never know how dependent you are until you try to quit. Yes I'm still dependent, but now it is a vapor with no harmful toxins. The other thing is that you can't imagine how unpleasant and irritating a smoking person can be, until you quit. Today I simply can't stand if someone is smoking by my side. Sometimes I try to explain that there is an alternative, more safe and less harmful, but most people just don't care and it is a shame. So you are doing the right thing, @Innokin ,information is power and we must spread it worldwide.
I like the auto ohm reader,the stealth design and rubberised finish.
I visited a hypnotherapist to help quit smoking but I just ended up trading cigarettes for cigars.But I was still keen to give up smoking or at least feed my nicotine habit in a cleaner way,a way that was the least damaging to my body as possible.
I had seen 'vapers' out and about but the devices they used just looked like household bricks to me and all that ohms law stuff went over my head.
Luckily though the devices became more individual and the chip sets more intelligent which meant that you didn't need a PHD to operate one.
Now I've been vaping for over a year and both my health and bank balance thank me for it.
You're incredibly right, we need to spread more truth and understanding in the world! Thank you for your entry and sharing your story!
1. Visited and I like the look and what it offers for new and old vapers!

I started vaping over 5yrs ago now and had smoked for over 30yrs! I actually found it really easy to stop and did it over night. My two son's also smoked and both gave up through vaping so we are now a smoke free family!!
1. Visited and I like the look and what it offers for new and old vapers!

I started vaping over 5yrs ago now and had smoked for over 30yrs! I actually found it really easy to stop and did it over night. My two son's also smoked and both gave up through vaping so we are now a smoke free family!!
That's Amazing! So glad for you and your family!
1. Visited the product page https://www.innokin.com/vaporizers/adept-zlide-tank-kit/

2. My story started when I visited an independent Vape Store almost 3 years ago, and I was advised to buy an Innokin Endura T18e. I was amazed how good this little kit worked and knew I had finally given up the Cigarettes and said goodbye to smoking. I’ve since bought and recommended many of your products. This has helped friends and family stop smoking The Zenith and Coolfire are great bits of kit. The safety features are brilliant and you just know you have a well made and designed product. The USB cables are great and last well too.
Liking the look and ease of use of this new Adept Zilde kit and would love to try it. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance.
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