I received the Sceptre today. It arrived safely around 1.30pm. It's a lovely little thing. I haven't vaped it yet but I'll load it up later and give it a toot.
As predicted though Dad has already taken a shine to it and might get there first if I'm not careful, so it might not be staying with me for too long either!
It's already laid my reservations about pod systems rest, despite Dad having his XROS. I've never had one myself before and didn't know how I'd like it. It's very ergonomic and nice in the hand, it might well open up a whole new part of vaping for me and cost me even more money! Thanks!
The reviews of it look like they might be correct as well. From a few dry pulls it does seem very airy for an MTL. I thought it was the 0.5 coil in there at first, but it's the 1.2. I haven't even opened the looser one yet.
You didn't need to send the eliquid and sweets too Forest, that's far too generous. Just winning at all was enough for me. You didn't need to send it first class either.
The neighbour's four year old little girl has already commandeered the latter of the two, but she did deserve them. It was her second day of school today and she has been very good.
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