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Inside Topside - 510 Juice leak advice

Dec 23, 2017
I'm trying to fix someones broken Topside, no power is getting to the board, so I stripped it down and found juice on the inside, very little had reached the board but the positive terminal was flooded and some on the negative, they are joined with a common cover that bridged the juice, hopefully that's the problem.

I've cleaned it with alcohol but I suspect it's only going to happen again (assuming that is the fault), the only place it could be leaking from is the 510 connection, going to strip it down further to check.

Anyone had this issue and know a solution? I was going to try Fernox.

Here's some pics prior to cleaning, it's nearly brand new but proper cruddy looking.

Not familiar with this mod but an O ring in the 510, bottom of the pin, can stop juice leaking back through the fitting. It looks like juice leaking from above & pooling round the terminals. Could try a silicon gel on the cover plate to seal the terminals or O rings on the terminal caps.
Sure I read somewere the tube coming from the bottle to the the 510 wasn't the best and juice could leak when squonked. the person changed the tube to something abit longer and it was alot better. I can see you are saying it's secured and we'll sealed so maybe not that then
where the figure 8 go's looks like there are orings there? maybey they need replacing ?
I toasted 1 board after stupidly up ending the mod with the fill bung out. The board was toast, and i ended up buying a replacement from Dovpo. $10 for the board, feckin $20 P&P . replaced board and wont make that mistake again.

Incidently very little juice had made it to the board, but it was toast.
I toasted 1 board after stupidly up ending the mod with the fill bung out. The board was toast, and i ended up buying a replacement from Dovpo. $10 for the board, feckin $20 P&P . replaced board and wont make that mistake again.

Incidently very little juice had made it to the board, but it was toast.
It appears the same has happened to this board, I cleaned it all up, assembled it back together and dead as a dodo, got the multimeter out, power was reaching the board fine but that's where it ended, so after all that this board is also toast.

Interesting you say it was from upending the mod, I stripped back to the 510 and it was dry as a bone so the juice had got in lower, the tube was secure and very tight.

I hate being defeated but there's nothing more I can do as it is.

Time of death 23:28 :doh:
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