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Interesting stats on vaping in the UK


Sep 24, 2018
Because I'm a bit of a sado I regularly peruse the statistical outputs of the ONS (one of the best branches of the civil service IMHO). I saw this today and thought I'd share:


Upshot is we have over 3 million vapers in the UK and this figure is on an upward curve. Very interestingly (if you're totally sad like me) only 0.4% of current vapers never smoked and 76% of vapers use e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking. To my mind this puts to bed the notion that vaping is used as a gateway to tobacco products indeed, the evidence would point to the complete opposite.

Now, when's that flavour ban kicking in again?
Because I'm a bit of a sado I regularly peruse the statistical outputs of the ONS (one of the best branches of the civil service IMHO). I saw this today and thought I'd share:


Upshot is we have over 3 million vapers in the UK and this figure is on an upward curve. Very interestingly (if you're totally sad like me) only 0.4% of current vapers never smoked and 76% of vapers use e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking. To my mind this puts to bed the notion that vaping is used as a gateway to tobacco products indeed, the evidence would point to the complete opposite.

Now, when's that flavour ban kicking in again?

Exactly. The gate opens in the other direction.
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