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Introduction , Greetings

I came across this friendly helpful forum purely by accident, I’ve never been one for forums or social media,

I started off vaping on pen vapes with the pre made cartridge style pop in coils , after trying many and ending up with a draw full of these devices I decided they were not for me , no matter which budget vape pen I tried or juice just bluh,

Id eventually go back to cigarettes,

Yet 6 vape shops have opened in my small town ??

This got me thinking ?
how have all these vape shops suddenly popped up in such a such a tiny town in the middle of nowhere?

yet they seem to always be busy and very popular??? thier must be something in this vaping thing???

More research and investigating needed ,,,,

Once upon a time whilst on
Youtube I came across a rebuildabl mtl tank , this piked my curiosity ,

on doing some readings and more research
I got my first mtl rta , the ammit mtl 4ml glass tank made by GeekVape,

I soon discovered that rta tanks have much more flavour and that by using organic cotton to wick id get a much cleaner taste ,

A few months on I’m no longer as satisfied with my little mtl tank ,

the lack of good quality flavours , And the vapour no longer quells my want for nasty stinky cigarette,

These short fill bottles of dessert flavours,
Which I keep seeing in the display units in my local vape shop have
Grabbed my attention, ,,,,,

I’m not really into the huge clouds ,
but I love the diff flavours ,
I guess I’m more of a flavour chaser, ,

Unfortunately the 70/30 ratio of high vg wont wick very well in my little mtl tank ,

So I’m slowly breaking out into the world of Dtl rta tanks

And have got myself a lovely OBS Crius 2 single coil to get me started,

It’s a dream to coil and wick and so easy to build ,
Its much less fiddly than my little ammit ml ,
there are no tiny tiny screws and super tiny post holes ,

The custard flavours in the cruis taste absolutely divine,

I’ve Not quite yet got the knack yet of inhaling directly into ones lungs,
This sensation feels quite alien to me ,

So Ive joined this lovely forum to expand my knowledge on all things vaping

My hobbies when not trying new vape flavours

Include :

Camping ,

Hiking , just being outdoors in the countryside rain or shine,

All things to do with space ships or time travel, futrarustic , etc

The original lost in space series, the original star treks ,andromeda , 12 monkeys , extant, kill joy ,
Person of interest, stichers, etc etc

Anything with magic , vampires demons ware wolfs etc
Shadow hunters, the originals, bitten ,

Hindi movies anything with Aamir Khan the pk guy , the three idiots , dangal, etc

The tiger films ( spy film ,)

My biggest ❤️ Is food ,

Lamb mmmm ,
Goat curry mmm,

Fuck me. Nice into. :D
And welcome.
WOW what an intro, you deserve a great big welcome to the planet.

Hello @Stacey1984 , Delighted to make your acquaintance !!! +1 on the Intro, it makes a refreshing change to get some insight into your Vaping Journey !!!
Goat curry sounds good
Welcome to the planet
Dear all fellow vapers
Many thanks
For the the very warm welcome ,,,,,
What a lovely place ,,,,,

A Much welcome break indeed,
from the norm of uninspiring minds ,,,,
(via the usual social media platforms ) ,

I’m shocked ,,,,

I seem to be experiencing a very strange new feeling ,,,,,
a pleasant feeling of surprise ,,,,,,
a renewed hope for civilisation ,,,,,

I wonder,,,, if civilised beings visiting our blue planet also encountered this odd new feeling ?,,,,,

feeling blessed ,
Welcome to the forum I'm not really a forum person either but do find this place very helpful I'm more of a lurker than anything else
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