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Is it wrong ?


Oct 24, 2014
I've been cloud chasing for a few months now. I use a Dark Ronin Geyser atty (a real one). It came with the "competition" cap witch produces a ridiculous amount of vapor. The thing is that now I'm used to it, it's the only way I vape ...........is there a problem with this do you think ? I use milkman etc 6mg and similar high VG juices.
Not in this section and that is not a "wrong" in my book.
"wrong" in what sense?

If it's something you enjoy and it's not dangerous then go for it.

Just be aware that not everyone may have the same love of clouds you do, some might even think it's dangerous to them so if around other people be considerate.

Dems the 'rules' as I understand it.

If you're a 'screw everyone else, I do what I want' kinda person then, well, good luck to ya ;)

I don't think it's wrong, there might be a time and a place for crazy clouds though

*battens down hatches

Sorry I should have been clearer. I meant health wise, I have had no bad effects and I only vape in moderation at certain points throughout the day, thanks I think you have answered this. I do find it hard to find a spot to use it at train stations/public places etc, but I never impose my clouds on people. It's the only set up that hits the spot for me.
Well.... from a 'technical' point of view the less stuff you put in your lungs the better.

That said we all know vaping is orders of magnitude better than smoking so I wouldn't worry too much. I think VG gets converted to sugar and the liquid is absorbed through the lungs, PG is converted to lactic acid and also absorbed through the lungs.

At least it's not the particles contained in smoke and tar.

From what I understand some people get through 20mls in a day so it's obviously not causing any harm in the short term.

I wouldn't worry ;)
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