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Is Silent Vaping Possible?

Some good suggestions. Its not the action that bothers me so much as the clicking. I have no idea what he uses but i did google silent vaping which is how i ended up posting here. Which vapes are more to pretty much silent? Any specific models to look into? Im completely clueless as youre all aware. So any help to smooth out this one wrinkle in the relationship would be appreciated lol. Vape clicking or crackling is highly annoying and im afraid to even bring it up with him. Ha!
Just get him telt... that vapes getting on my tits, sort out the noise, job done. If he throws a thrombo the relationship was doomed anyway.

My missus throws the veto card on certain liquids she doesn't like the smell of but it's certainly never been something we can't discuss.
Be straight with him and say something , I know a few people who have bad habits like grinding their teeth, i hate that and have to say something, funny thing is they don't realise they are doing it, well some don't. I wouldn't say someone pressing a fire button is noisy infact i have been trying to hear any clicks on my Odin and a couple of other Mods and can't hear anything. The Airflow on this Cascade Tank is a little noisy but i have vaped noisier Tanks. If you don't say anything how is he going to know you don't like it ?.
Tell him to go vape outdoors or another room, failing that you can get pods with autodraw function meaning it fires when he takes a drag on it rather than using a fire button
Some good suggestions. Its not the action that bothers me so much as the clicking. I have no idea what he uses but i did google silent vaping which is how i ended up posting here. Which vapes are more to pretty much silent? Any specific models to look into? Im completely clueless as youre all aware. So any help to smooth out this one wrinkle in the relationship would be appreciated lol. Vape clicking or crackling is highly annoying and im afraid to even bring it up with him. Ha!

It would help folks in making suggestions if you said what vape gear he is using.
There are mods with no audible button click.... I've used them in bed before when the OH is sleeping. Can't quite remember which ones were quiet though. Maybe vaporesso Gen? Or the epetite?

That said I can confirm that the esquare (and the wicket, both by my side) have an audible click.
Some good suggestions. Its not the action that bothers me so much as the clicking. I have no idea what he uses but i did google silent vaping which is how i ended up posting here. Which vapes are more to pretty much silent? Any specific models to look into? Im completely clueless as youre all aware. So any help to smooth out this one wrinkle in the relationship would be appreciated lol. Vape clicking or crackling is highly annoying and im afraid to even bring it up with him. Ha!

the bishop rta from vaping gentleman is almost silent if you set it up right.
Use noise cancelling headphones.
Get him to vape inside an insulated box.
Wait thirty years until your hearing goes.
Make a more annoying noise like the sound of a sampled and looped Priti Patel.
I am so glad that someone else has this same problem. I thought I was loosing my mind. My husband has vaped for years but only in the past 6 months has the crackly noise got to me. Earplugs help but I finally had to Google silent vape pipes for my sanity. Thank you for your advice.
Imo. An atty/tank that's making those crackling noises is because the tank is wicking correctly. Almost all of my devices make some sort of noise. Whether is loud and proud and fired around 80 watts. Or what I like to the crackle of a fire at around 25. Some atties will have a smoother airflow and make less of a rushing sound. But I'm general these tend to be the more premium end of the spectrum and cost over £100. Like the old taifun GT. Was virtually silent. But still made a slight crackle. Even when fired at 8 to 15 watts. Like @Crispycritters said. RBAs are probably the way to go. But if you don't know how to build. Would be a learning curve to get the vape needed.

If you can find it. The aromamizer V3 supreme was in the less noisy side of the dtl tanks. And around £50 for the full kit. Or for a decent mtl build. I tend to go to my kayfun. Or similar. But a genuine kayfun will set you back around the £100 mark.
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