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Is your MP anti Vaping?


Apr 25, 2014
Just a thought; if we all mail our MP,s and ask them will they support VAPING or not.

May give the Vaping community a steer to the party to vote for, if nothing else it will get Vapers noticed a little more.
Whether your politics is left, right or centre or some variation on a theme....and if your only concern is Vaping ...and I don't trust any politician ....then remember that it was a socialist coalition led by a labour MEP that led, and ultimately forced through Article 20 (renamed Article 18) of the TPD that effectively bans most of the gear that we use. Denmark has already made it law and the Vaping industry has collapsed.
So, when it comes to the UK interpreting and implementing the Article here, I, for one, would prefer anything but a Labour victory. Just look at the Welsh experience.
My local MP's a chunt.... a big one that even the most desperate person would run away from!. Not sure what his views are on vaping but its irrelevant when you hear his other views. The local Labour mp.. well she doesn't even know what their parties manifesto is as I actually ended up telling her some of it that she was not aware of..... useless!!!!. Needless to say she shant be getting my vote either
My MP is an arrogant, obnoxious, semi-senile relic.

He probably doesn't even know what vaping is, let alone have a personal opinion on it.

He'll just follow the party line regardless. Not that it matters much.. I think he's retiring and not standing at this next election, no doubt to be replaced by some other safe seat, generic party droid.

These aren't the droids I'm looking for. Move along.
our M is a hopeless twat who looks like a muppet ( a jum henson actual muppet rather than a term of abuse ).

no one should have a forehead that big and when i see him just want to slap it.

tell me im wrong.. oh and he knows fuck all about ecigs ive asked him on several occasions

Would it be possible for someone who has emailed their MP to post up the email they sent?

Alternatively does anyone have a email template or standard set of vaping related questions we could all send to local candidates enquiring about their vaping/TPD standpoint?

I would like to find out my local MPs position but other than asking 'whats your view on vaping?' Im not to sure where to start as i don't really understand the TPD well enough to question someone on it and don't want to miss anything that would allow for an ambiguous or nondescript answer (although thats what i'll probably get as avoiding giving straight answers is what they do for a living).
not got a clue who my mp is but there probably a dumbass and would`nt even know what i was talking about
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