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Is your MP anti Vaping?

My attempt - went without reply - Peter Lilley MP for Harpenden...

Thank you for your reply dated 12/02/2015 to my enquiry regarding your views on the TPD.

I appreciate your efforts in gaining a reply from Peter Hunt (Ref:PO00000915117), which is pretty much as expected given his response the impending legal challenge, however I feel you may have missed the point of my initial enquiry.

In the forthcoming general election I, along with all of your constituents, am faced with a choice of who best represents my views.

Given the recent electorate malaise and reported distrust of their representatives, I have attempted to establish this with enquires regarding specific matters which are topical and important to me at present. Mr Hunt does not appear on my ballot paper, where as you do.

What I was after was your opinion on the TPD, and specifically on the forthcoming legal challenge of which a copy of the 'Statement of Facts and Grounds' is attached to this email.

In my view it makes compelling arguments against Article 20 of the directive, and should be supported although I am open to reasons and debate as to why it should not?

Whilst on the face of it a fairly narrow topic I think there are far reaching implications into the way in which we are governed, along with the pandering to the giant pharmaceutical and tobacco industries and the encouragement of enterprise for the small business.

I am not looking for a 'party political broadcast', but an insight into one of my electoral candidates views?

Thanks and regards
I contacted my MP last year. Here's the response....


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I've been chasing our MP for months, asking for a meeting. As my concerns are nothing to do with the nuclear industry, he has steadfastly refused a meeting. My initial email was deftly swept onwards towards Jeremy (c)Hunt, who no doubt did what most politicians do with emails and got deleted.
As locally, we're facing political mayhem trying to get rid of the labour executive without them screwing over the area (failed as they dropped the committee recommended 50k salary for a mayor to 30k ) nobody seems interested in national matters.
I contacted my MP last year. Here's the response....

Maybe I'm missing something but that reply seems factually incorrect... afaik they aren't being regulated as medical devices but as tobacco products so long as it's under 24mg/ml?
I e-mailed all of the MP's running in my area this morning!!! as of yet I haven't had any responses!!!
Your MP is currently in favour of everything you think.

Until May 7th.
Maybe I'm missing something but that reply seems factually incorrect... afaik they aren't being regulated as medical devices but as tobacco products so long as it's under 24mg/ml?
This was way back in July last year (I think) & one of the proposed regulations back then was to make vaping a medically prescribed quitting aid.
Something was being voted on in parliament anyway.
I'm old.
Memory glitches. :umm:
I contacted my local MP and asked where he stood with regards to e-cigarettes and he replied saying that he was unable to give a definitive answer as it is still very early days and he has not, at the present time, worked out which path to take on the matter and that it will depend upon which one is more likely to a: improve his political career, and b: carry the likelihood of accruing the most in expenses claims. :D :D :D :D
This was way back in July last year (I think) & one of the proposed regulations back then was to make vaping a medically prescribed quitting aid.
Something was being voted on in parliament anyway.
I'm old.
Memory glitches. :umm:

Yeah fair enough, seem to remember the medical classification was a thing for the UK at some point, although I wasn't Vaping then so yeah, but TPD was around May and that letter July.

Just generally pissed off that the scumbags in power don't actually seem to do their jobs and don't bother to read half of the bullshit regulations that go through.

Good on ya for trying though and getting some sort of response!
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