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iStick temperamental temp control


Sep 26, 2015
Hello TC apes, I'd like some second opinions here, I'm hoping there is user error going on!

So I got me my iStick tc60w kit with melo2. Have been vaping with it for a couple of weeks in TC mode, trying out different tanks and different coils. I also have an iStick tc40w (useful info in a bit).

So, just for the sake of this thread, I have generally had it on about 30w and 450-500oF

I am finding that sometimes this creates a really warm/hot vape. Then other times, with the exact same set up 'temp protection' kicks in almost instantly and I get very cool and not very dense vape. There is no rhyme or reason to it that I can discern.

My instant reaction was that the iStick is faulty, or I'm doing something dumb. So I tried the same tank and coil on my iStick tc40 (just for info, I was initially buggering about with subtank mini, rba with ti coil), but my iStick tc40 does similar things! In fact, if I screw the same tank that was just creating a very cool vape at 500F onto the other iStick, chances are it will give a really hot vape under the same settings!

So I tried the subtank with the ni stock coils. Still similar variability. Then I tried the melo2, with the titanium coil, the nickel coils.... All the same randomness!

Locking the ohms, not locking the ohms, no difference. In fact unscrewing the atty doesn't necessarily mean it will ask if it's a new coil or not reliably each time (not sure if it is meant to though).

Occasionally I can "fix" it by unscrewing the atty and putting it back on, if it asks if it's a new coil sometimes it "fixes" it.

And just for the record, yes, I am making sure I am using ni mode with ni coils, ti mode with ti coils, etc.

I guess the crux of my issue is this: how can I trust this thing is controlling the temperature when sometimes it's so hot it almost burns my lips, and other times it's such a weedy vape? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Am I doing something wrong? What sort of range should I be vaping at? Is it possible that both my isticks are faulty?! They are both authentic and bought from reputable vendors...

Any thoughts would be helpful!
I will be watching with interest, as I've ordered, but still waiting for delivery of mine from Gearbest. I hope the other apes are able to help you sort it.
Other than faulty/unreliable mods, there are two other possibilities I can think of:

1. Wicking problem. Your temp range (450-500F) is on the high side, which can be an indication of wicking problems. When fully juiced, a wick at this temp will produce a lot of hot vapour. Then as it dries out, the vape will become weak and TC will cut in very quickly. As a diagnostic test, when the vape becomes weak, remove the tank section (but keep the atty screwed into the mod), prime the wick and try again. If the plumes of hot vapour return, it is probably a wicking problem. Alternatively, you can see if "primer puffs" bring the clouds back.

2. Dodgy connection somewhere (intermittent resistance changes). Let's say you calibrate a coil and it's initially working fine. Now, randomly, a dodgy connection causes an increase in resistance. The device now thinks your coil is already hot, and if you try to fire it TC will kick in very quickly. The reverse case, where you calibrate with a static resistance contribution and then the connection improves during use, results in the device thinking your coil is freezing and TC cuts in too late, giving you a very hot vape. This is hard to diagnose unless you can force the mod to recalibrate by pressing a button. The type where you have to unscrew, remount, cross your fingers, do a dance, pray, yodel, sacrifice a chicken and hope for the "same coil/new coil" prompt are a total pain in the arse. You could try mount/remount several times in power mode (or an ohm meter) to check if the resistance is stable (don't fire it though).
This is something that's been plaguing me since I started trying to use TC (albeit on a evic mini in my case)

I started off thinking it was a faulty device, then maybe it was me but I've made many coils in the last 14 months so it probably wasn't user error. The key thing here is resistance, it's how TC works. As the wire heats up its resistance changes which allows the mod to regulate the voltage so the mod getting the reading right is very important.

If you've used the tank at all forget about it for 10 minutes, let it cool down and reattach it.

The thing that's made a difference for me (literally in the last couple of days) is attaching the tank in voltage mode (vw).

1) Unlock the mod (if resistance is locked) and take the tank off.
2) Let it cool or use a different tank
3) Switch to voltage mode, then attach the tank
4) Whilst still in this 'mode switch' setting change to TC mode for the wire you're using
5) Lock the resistance now whilst still in adjustment mode
6) Press the fire button

You should have the resistance locked in at the right setting and get a bit of consistency. It's worked for me for a couple of days and hopefully things work the same on the istick.

Also, be sure to tighten down the screws securely if you're using your own coils and use less cotton, it doesn't need to be as 'snug'.

Hope it helps!
Thank you guys!
Been using the melo2 with a stock titanium coil and it's been less temperamental but still not perfect.
Gonna try both these suggestions, see how I get on and will report back!
I haven't had great experiences with the Melo 2... But try not closing the top fil slot fully (i.e. close it just enough that hole is covered but you can still see the rubber guide).

I have found the Melo 2 to heat up way too much (it gets scorchingly hot very quickly) and even more so when the top fill is fully closed. In fact the best vape experience in this tank is to vape it with the top fill fully open.

With regards to the istick60w it seems to behave reltively well on my own builds (RDA & RTAs)... but I simply haven't found the Melo 2 to be a good TC tank.
Thanks @sherloq
My woes don't seem limited to any one tank, I've tried a bunch of tanks so far. Just received the crius, so when my titanium wire order makes it through the xmas post deliveries, I am gonna give that one a go and see if that makes a difference.
I can not be trusted to Vape with the melo 2 juice hole open, I already spilled a full tank's worth by accidentally leaving it open hahaha. Eleaf, why oh why much you put the charging ports on the base?!
If you are opening the top of the tank it sounds like a juice flow issue as I have had it start to come out of the vents on my 60w/melo when I forgot to close it. If you need to keep it nearly open to get juice in that might be the issue perhaps??
The new coil needs to be cool at room temperature when u swap over and lock it and you need to choose "up new coil" each time you put the new cool one on. Otherwise it reads incorrectly. It's fiddly and doesn't always ask if new atomized, I still haven't quite figured it out LOL. Seems to work fine on my 40w tc if I switch between modes using a titanium coil and kanthal coil but leave it locked in TC mode, it's when you start trying to switch between 2 TC coils and changing locked resistance it seems to get confusing.
It's threads like these that convince me to stick with power mode. Don't fix what isn't broke.
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