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It’s Time to Change the Way We Look at Youth Vaping

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012
From Colin Mendelsohn -
Underage vaping continues to dominate discourse and drive public policy. Daily, alarmist media headlines feed the anxieties of parents, teachers and public health officials and have created a full-blown moral panic. However, the fear of youth vaping greatly exceeds the objective threat it poses—and benefits are almost universally overlooked.

In fact, vaping may be beneficial overall to young people.

That statement will undoubtedly spark angry reactions. I hasten to add that in an ideal world, it is generally best for young people’s health not to vape (nor, of course, smoke). But the real world is different, and youth will always experiment with pleasurable activities, especially if we tell them not to.
I read it

a bit odd, I'm more used to this

"Ban vaping NOW, Ban disposables NOW, Ban the tories NOW, Ban Disney land NOW, Ban EVERYTHING"

need to sit down in a corner
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