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It just won't mix


Mar 14, 2014
Hello to all
i would like some advice please
i have mixed
Pa ripe banana 18% & mum paps French vanilla 2%
70/30 pg/vg

looking at the bottle off mixed juice it has one part that that floats
Mixed 30 July
Will this be ok after steeping longer ?
give this a try, hot water bath with the lid off for about an hour to get the VG nice and thin, lid back on and shake like mad for 20 seconds then leave to cool.
give this a try, hot water bath with the lid off for about an hour to get the VG nice and thin, lid back on and shake like mad for 20 seconds then leave to cool.

Hi hi thanks for the feed back

i did the hot bath when first mixed
I have shaked it every morning
could the prob be the vanilla ?
We'll I been playing around
when drip the vanilla in the sink, then run the tap it looks oily is that ok/normal ?
We'll I been playing around
when drip the vanilla in the sink, then run the tap it looks oily is that ok/normal ?

When you leave it to separate in the bottle does it look like oil floating on water then too?

If so I would check that you have bought water soluble flavours as oil based ones are a no-no
if after all the the advice youve been given so far it is still seperating after its been shaken and theft to stand then it contains oil DO NOT VAPE!!
I cant stress that enough.. unless you would like lipid phnumonia.

shaking and leaving to stand is known as the seperation test and if it keeps seperating and looks oily like you say then it contains OIL
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