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iTaste and Igo Not connecting


Aug 16, 2013
I can't get these two to make a connection, I screwed it in all the way and it just wont fire it or make a connection. What can I do?
You probably need to pull the pin up gently on the itaste.

Edit do you know what ohm's your coil is on the igo?

What itaste device are you using?

Edit only asking these questions because if the coil is too low ohm it won't fire full stop.
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You could try easing down the centre pin on the bottom of the igo GENTLY with a flat headed screwdriver... if the centre pin is pushed up, it might not be making contact.
You probably need to pull the pin up gently on the itaste.

I generally recommend adjusting the centre pin on the atomiser because if one is a bit to heavy handed with the centre pin in the device, it's possible to snap the connections inside it.

Just sayin. ;)
I generally recommend adjusting the centre pin on the atomiser because if one is a bit to heavy handed with the centre pin in the device, it's possible to snap the connections inside it.

Just sayin. ;)

Yep I agree but with a few of the innokin stuff its a known issue the pin pushes down so its inevitable it will end up doing it with other attys :)
You probably need to pull the pin up gently on the itaste.

Edit do you know what ohm's your coil is on the igo?

What itaste device are you using?

Edit only asking these questions because if the coil is too low ohm it won't fire full stop.

I was running the igo-w on an itaste svd,
The time mine would not fire , is if I made the coils to small.
My itaste stuggles to connect with my evod, which is a pain as I got it mainly to check the coils I'm making. I worry about pulling the contact too far, and have tweaked the Evod so much that the juice fell out!
I wondered: can I insert a tiny conductive pad on top of the battery? would it short if it touched the sides? any way of keeping it in place? and how exactly is the contact fastened to the battery- is it on a spring?
The contact/pin are soldered to the battery via a wire but the contact is floating held in place by the insulation ring around it.

EDIT Yes you will get short if touching the inner pin and the wall/threads.

If you did manage to put a tiny conductive pad in place I would worry this would push the pin even further down.
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My itaste stuggles to connect with my evod, which is a pain as I got it mainly to check the coils I'm making. I worry about pulling the contact too far, and have tweaked the Evod so much that the juice fell out!
I wondered: can I insert a tiny conductive pad on top of the battery? would it short if it touched the sides? any way of keeping it in place? and how exactly is the contact fastened to the battery- is it on a spring?

That don't sound right, you shouldn't need to pull the evod pin out that far to make contact.
Query the state of the threads on the itaste and evod.
It could be a case of dirty threads, where the evod is appearing to stop at the bottom. But is actually stopping short because of dirt build up in the threads.
I say this because I've just had an ego suddenly stop making contact, and it was a little bit of grit in the thread stopping the tank from threading down all the way.
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