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iTaste and Igo Not connecting

That don't sound right, you shouldn't need to pull the evod pin out that far to make contact.
Query the state of the threads on the itaste and evod.
It could be a case of dirty threads, where the evod is appearing to stop at the bottom. But is actually stopping short because of dirt build up in the threads.
I say this because I've just had an ego suddenly stop making contact, and it was a little bit of grit in the thread stopping the tank from threading down all the way.

I think I just got an Itaste with a low contact, in fact I emailed the vendor when I received it because I thought I might need an adapter. I've checked all the threads and they are clean and the evod is fine on my three ego batteries, but of course I can't use them to check the ohms...
On the other hand, the Itaste works fine with the iclear clearomisers, but I don't need to check those because I can't re-coil them. Overall i wish I'd bought a good multimeter instead.
You can tease up the 510 pin on an iTaste enough to fit a split 3.5 x 1mm nitrile or silicon o-ring under the pin head and then just re-seat it.
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There are videos on the Vamo on how to and the principle is the same.

This also works for the vmax. With the bung from a ce5 head.
If the evod works on the ego's then it has to be the center pin on the itaste.
I've just done a quick measure of my iclear30 and my evod heads, and the iclear pin is a fraction longer than the evod.
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