Hi Xan, I see no one has replied so i felt i best LOL... not an expert by any means but I know a thing or two about a thing or two... so if you want my advice here goes,
The ego is world renown as most people start up using them, it fits just about anything but then again so does everything else....
Both have Vv which I am sure you know means power advantages... but the iTaste in my opinion is the clear winner, and is also a pass-through which can be very helpful, and also its the slightly higher voltage model than the ego. not by much but it all helps, cosmetically although slightingly more expensive looks more sophisticated and fits the hand well it seems. Innokin is top spec and very well made, they have just released finally the new SVD which is a full blown advanced mod VV/Vw volts and watts, all singing all dancing step up the ladder which everyone in the know seems to like and want, myself included it was pre-order till 12th i think.... 2 days

and I will most likely get one.
If it was me i certainly would get the iTaste over the ego,,, not sure where you plan on buying it or if its avail in the marketplace try and see but here is a link to both models..
Hope this helps..