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It's started - Got me a MVP v2!


Jan 13, 2014

I've only been vaping for a few weeks now, and since I've been off the analogues for nearly 3 weeks, I thought I'd treat myself with the money I've saved. (not counting the 15 bottles of juice, the 2 ego batteries - gotta have a spare! - the evods, vivinova minis, the protank mini etc)

So as predicted, today I became the proud owner of my first, and probably last mod, an MVP v2.

I elected for the iclear 16 version as I seem to prefer the top feed wick variety, and my initial thoughts are that I think this is me done! (or at least that's what I've told the missus!). Further mods don't seem to interest me at the moment as I like the internal battery, the VV/VW capability and the general size and style. Plus it only cost me £45 with a bottle of juice thrown in from my local B&M, Vapurs4you in Newcastle, Staffs,

I now get a much better vape than the egos, but I think they will still be my work vape.

Just thought I'd share, as after reading loads of posts on here, it does seem to do exactly what I want.
Welcome to the life of vapeing
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I love my MVP V2. I got mine with the iclear 30 which is also a top wick. I also purchased 3 iclear 16's to go with it.

I can't see myself buying another mod for at least 12 months now.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
ive only been vaping myself just over 3 weeks and went straight for the mvp 2 and glad i did :) ive just bought an igo-l rda for testing my own juices whats starting to take shape and igo-l is a lovely bit of kit if you like tinkering with coils etc
I've just bought a MVP 2.0 and couldn't be happier, it's a massive improvement over my ego kit (which is now been relegated to my work kit) I was quite amazed at the step up in amount of vapour and taste quality the MVP GAVE ME.
It`s a great all-round device. The Mrs loves hers.
Watch out for the slippery slope that is addiction to shiny metal vaping devices.
I started with a basic Ego, then moved to a Vision Spinner.

I knew I wasn`t going to need another device when I bought my iTaste SVD.... Then I bought a VTR. After that I bought a 134... Closely followed by another VTR so I had a "spare" in a different colour. Last night I ordered a Coolfire 2 just because, well I have no idea why, I just like the look of it.
Just watched Grimmgreens preview of the 134 Mini and now I`m waiting for a UK supplier for it.

I`ll be the first to admit I have a "problem" and a strong compulsive nature but it all keeps me off the Cigs and gives me a nice hobby and a lot of pleasure.

Being honest here, at my worst I used to spend in excess of £300 per month on Tobacco and certain "Green plants" to add to my Tobacco, all of which I have now given up.
I feel better. I smell better. I don`t Shit myself when a Police car follows me and I`m still better of financially.
I also have a shelf full of nice shiny vaping devices rather than a pile of ash and a cough.

In the end though, whatever works for you and keeps you off the Cigs is "The right device for you".
+1 to Fubar1977

and daz_app - I went the same way as you: egos for a few weeks, then an MVP2, thinking "well this thing is awesome, I've got the battery thing sorted now". HCigar Nemesis arrived yesterday.
The thing is, with stinkies you choose your method (straights, rollies, cigar, pipe), settle on a brand and that's it. You just pour your money into that. There are so many different devices and juices out there for what is still a relatively new hobby/addiction/thingy that it's really tricky to settle down!
Having said that, if you find you don't want to buy anything else, good on you - you're a much stronger individual than I!
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