Many mods will suggest a wattage, but it is just a suggestion so if you need more or less just change it. (Edit - if you find it a bit tame adjust the power up in small increments until you find your sweet spot, don't just crank it up or you may fry the coil). I'm not sure about the eleaf mod - but many mods will suggest a wattage that is convenient for THEIR range of coils that are used in the specific tank that is supplied with that particular mod when sold as a complete kit. If you are using a different tank or a different type of coil you can pretty much ignore the suggested Wattage - however if you are using stock coils you still should stay within the rated range for that coil.
As for TC - I don't own that particular mod so I'm not familiar with the menu, but...
You can only use TC with TC type wires. If you are using a stock coil tank make sure you know what material the coil is made of - if it is Kanthal or Ni80 (many are made from Kanthal) TC will NOT work, some stock coils are made from Stainless Steel but make absolutely sure you know what the wire is before trying TC out. If you are using a rebuildable atomiser with the mod the easiest way to experiment with TC is by using SS316L wire IMO - if you don't care for TC Stainless steel wires can be vaped in regular wattage mod so you haven't lost anything. Most TC mods will support SS, Ni and Titanium (the Ni means Ni200 only - Ni60, 80 and 90 are NOT TC wires), but if you decide to try Ni or Titanium be very careful as they can't be vaped in Wattage and overheating them can give off dangerous fumes.
I'd do a bit of research on TC first before trying it out.