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Just saying hello...Hello!


Jul 14, 2014
Hello Guys, :newhere:
Though not to vaping, I have been vaping 11 months now and love every minute I am off the fags.
Currently using:
Fogger v4.3 on a Nemesis; running a 1 Ohm coil with cotton as a wick, Organic Cotton of course. through a 2mm coil of 0.2 Kanthal.
Aqua/Origin Hybrid; running a 1 Ohm coil with String as a wick (yep you read it right) String, Organic Cotton Twine. Lovely flavour and really easy to pass through a 2mm coil of 0.2 Kanthal. Tried it in a 1.5mm coil, it fitted but I don't like the heat from a 1.5mm coil burns through the wick to quickly.
Anyway here are some pics of my gear.
Fogger/Nemesis Fogger-v4-on-a-Nemesis.jpg Aqua/OriginAqua-Origin-Hybrid.jpg
Not all clones are evil killing machines.
Hi ya and welcome to POTV :)

Nice bit of kit! And using string, cool! You got a link we can have a nose at :D
Miss Pepper First off an apology to the moderators very tired last night and I think I double posted to the forum.
Thanks, I'll post some info on the string I use and some pictures.
My String Theory

AS promised some pis and info on a string wick.
What you need;

  1. A ball of string Bakers [or] Butchers Twine
Can't find a link to where I got mine eBay Amazon some several months ago, actually bought for wrapping parcels.
choice 1 eBay 12ply Cotton Bakers Twine
choice 2 eBay I will be trying this next Ivory Natural Jute Twine

I am building on an Aqua dual coil atomiser, but I sure this will work just as well on any rebuildable that's suited to silica wicks.

cut two bit of string about 5cm.


This string has three cores, I removed one of the core and re-twisted the remaining two back together. I does say it's a 2mm thickness, but as it swells I felt it was choking itself.

Wet the end of the string and twist tightly to reduce the diameter. Then thread it through your coil. I'm using a 2mm coil.


Untidy I know. Center and rise the coil to your prefered height of the deck, mine is in line with the screws about 4mm good airflow from there.

Trim and tidy the wick (you know your atty better) I sit mine at the bottom of the channels on the Aqua.


Give it a good soak with your favourite liquid, I into Murray Mints just now the guys at Emporium Vapour do a fine 80%/20% mix

Then a test fire.


All working good.

rebuild and fill to with liquid and you're good to go.

Should you boil and clean the wick before hand: Yes of course you should.

I'll update on the Jute twine when I try it out. Got some laying around somewhere from a DIY project, make really good edging for wooden floors.
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