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Just started dripping, and have a few questions.


Jan 27, 2014
I recently got a baby octopus RDA after a few successful attempts at rebuilding coils on my evod, thought it was time I started seeing what all the craze was about "dripping". So I started with some silica wick and some .2 kanthal wire, managed to rebuild it to 1.4 ohms and all was well.

The flavour wasn't as great as I'd expected to be honest, it was good but it wasn't amazing like I've heard. Same for the vapour production. So I was told to drill out my air hole to 2mm, and to use cotton for wick.

Boiled up my cotton wool balls a few times, rinsed and let them dry, rebuilt again, this time a single coil at 2.2 ohms and I'm not really getting a noticeable amount of difference, the flavour has improved slightly but along with it there is a strange aftertaste, can't really quite describe it but for some reason I want to say "cotton". The vapour production still isn't as great as what I'd expected, and I'm vaping it at 14 watts whilst making sure my air hole is positioned directly in front of the coil. The liquid I was using is a 30/70 pg/vg mix, so plenty of VG.

I'm not really sure if there's something I'm doing wrong here, or if it's the baby octopus? Maybe I'm just expecting too much out of it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Another thing is that my coil resistance keeps fluctuating, it'll start out at say for example 2.0 ohms, then drop to 1.8, then back up to 2, then 2.3, then 1.8 again... any reason for this?

Also, before I move on, I noticed someone in my local vape shop who was dripping, after he took a few hits he would take the top cap off, burn the wick/coil and blow on it at the same time, I'm presuming this is to dry the wick out or something, but what is the purpose of this?

Any general advice and pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated as I'm a complete noob in this area :)
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I am unable to answer all of your queries, but, as for fluctuating resistances, check for shorts and loose connections, could be something as simple as the snipped off coil legs touching the dripper housing when you push it on..
I am unable to answer all of your queries, but, as for fluctuating resistances, check for shorts and loose connections, could be something as simple as the snipped off coil legs touching the dripper housing when you push it on..

Ah well thanks anyway :) the coils are snapped off tightly around the back of the screwholes, barely anything poking out of them. The main coil isn't touching the side either and I was checking resistance without the housing on there. Really strange that one then...
You either want every wrap of coil touching the next or none touching the next otherwise you'll create hot spots some touch but not others. Do a YouTube search for building coils on the octopus.. You'll find loads.

What mod you using? Are you sure the mod can output enough amps for the type of coils you're building?...
Maybe it's the way I'm wrapping my coils, I'm going to pick up a torch later and try making a micro coil, see if that helps. I'm using it on an itaste vtr.
I'm thinking that it's that gauge of wire,thicker the wire,more hot metal in contact with liquid = more vapour.If you've drilled the holes wider,then you need hotter coils to cope with the extra air.As your running on regulated mods,you're kinda stuck atm unfortunately.
It might be that you're strangling your coil....rule of thumb with cotton is less is best....

All you need is a thin wick that can pass through your coil with just the slightest resistance as it will swell up when it gets juice on it....
The baby octopus is ok, not great but ok. Drilling the holes to 2mm is only the answer if you like a 2mm draw from one hole.
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