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Just thought id say Hi from down south


Mar 9, 2013
Well after returning from a trip up north I started my vaping jounrney as taylor mades are just so expensive, also docs would like me to give up. So with that in mind I took the plunge thanks to help and guidance from a user.

It seems like a minefield but have brought what I suppose is a basic unit a few juices and off I went...................................... only 2 days thusfar but the one remaining cig is still sitting lonely in its packet

Well just remains for me to send a big HI to all you vapers:noob:
Welcome to the mad house and congrats on making the switch
Welcome, always nice to see a fellow Southerner. Soon I can put my plans in place, and start a Southern revolution to oust the Northerners, oh wait..........the site is owned by a Southerner. Damn, another plan thwarted. Damn you all.
Welcome to the planet!! Youre our 1500th member!!
Hey well done

Sorry no prize for privilege


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