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just wanted to say hello

Hi @JOANNE and welcome to the planet! :)

You couldn't have come to a better place to get you off the fags and keep you off!!

I quit 50 a day after 36 years of smoking and just hit 2 months 'clean' lol :D If I can do it, anyone can! I have 0 willpower lol.

But with vaping you don't need it! :yahoo:

Have a read around the forum and if it seems like a foreign language (it did to me) then ask questions, any questions, no questions are too small or silly lol :)

Most of all, have fun! It's the easiest way to learn and keep you off the fags lol ;)

I think I recognise the Nautilus 2 tank, but don't know the mod. For something smaller look at the Nautilus Mini with the Eleaf Istick 20w kit. Comes to just under £50 on amazon :) That's the one that got me off the fags coz it almost feels like smoking :)

What juices have you tried?
Hi and welcome. If you're happy with the Nautlius 2 tank, then just buy a more compact mod. Let us know what sort of kit your after.
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