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Kanger Evod Help!


Sep 11, 2013
Hi there guys, have been lurking around for a little while but this is my first post :yahoo:, hopefully of many.

My issue is the kanger evod. having started a month ago with a couple of ego batteries and CE4's, bought a few evods as reviews seem positive. They arrived, and i loved them, no dry hits, no problems, just fill and go!

Today though, after five days of use, was happily vaping my way home from work and !BANG! gurgling and leaking. Fun. So home, open it up, empty it and take everything apart and give it a wash. Left everything to dry, sat down in front of the tv and guess what happened? Yup, the same thing again on a second evod. so after a bit of googling, found a couple of sites advising to use a second rubber thingermagigger (the cap that fits over the base) upside down. so cleaned out the second one and reassembled them.

They seem to be working fine at the moment, but was wondering if anyone else had had these problems, what they did to fix them, and are they still using evods? I really want them to work because i think they look pretty sleek on top of the battery, but is it worth it? any recommendations for something that is going to be less problematic?

Whilst doing all of this, i also noticed that the stem that takes the vapour up to the mouthpiece on my replacement heads are much smaller that the ones that came in the evods, wondering if anyone would know if they were possibly for the mini-T3 instead? not much of an issue, as i can just swap the posts over from the heads i am currently using, but was interested.

Sorry for the essay, and hoping someone can share their experiences with me.

Thanks in advance,

EDIT; changed a couple of bits to make more sense...
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It could be that your atomiser is dying, if thats the case you need to buy a new one ( or rewick it).
they need replacing every 3 weeks or so, or thats what i have been informed, but only a couple of quid so not too fussed!
the Protank and evod atomisers are interchangeable, not sure on the mini t3 as i have never used them.
like your username, space marine fan per chance?
Perfect guess on the username :P space marine player since 2001!
and they are only 5 days old, so i wouldnt have thought that changing the atomiser is the issue, but if it happens again i shall try that out, thanks.

Ah ok, by the sound of your post i thought you had the evods a month or so, my bad, need to learn to read properly!
Space wolves myself, but i tend to paint them all for my son :(
Love the Horus Heresy, if you haven't read them, give them a go ;)
Sorry, just re-read my post and yeah, i can see the poor wording glaring at me!
Have tried reading them, got to book 8 or 9 and just kinda lost interest. Might have to pick them up again!

Right, a multitude of things to check, but before you do so, let me just advise you that I have had eVod heads that have lasted a day, and others that have lasted a month, and there is no hard and fast way of telling how long they will last.....a bit like a lightbulb actually. I however, dont think this is the problem!

Firstly, where did you purchase these from, as there are lots of clones about, and personally I have found these to be shit if I am honest. Leak, gurgle etc.

Secondly, what juice are you using (ratio wise) as I find 50/50 juice behave a little better in evods than higher PG ratio juice.

Look and examine the centre post (underneath the rubber cover) as I have found sometimes this works loose, and can leak liquid into the air hole.

If I encounter gurgling, I tip it upside down, and gently blow to get the excess juice out into a tissue, and then make sure the air holes on the bottom are clear, as the tighter the draw, the more likely they will eventually end up flooding.

As for the length of the centre posts, the tall ones are from a protank, and the next size down are the evods, and both I have found are compatible with each other. Have you got a link to the heads too?
I purchased them from myepack, same as the heads, tbh not sure if they are genuine, but have kangertech evod written on the bottom.
i have taken out and replaced the centre post on them both, so not sure about that, but will make sure i check them if it happens again.

As for the juice ratio, i am a little stumped there as well, i am using patriot e-liquids from totally wicked, and they dont specify the ratio on the bottle or their website, so if anyone has any idea that would be enlightening.

Thanks for the advice and i shall definitely try it out if i get any gurglng or leaking again, but hopefully i wont!

I can confirm the Myepac ones are original, and the heads will be the right ones. I would check the centre posts are on properly, and make sure when you fill them up, you dont over fill them, or get juice down the centre of the airhole.

Most TW juice is 60%+ PG, making them a bit thinner, but I could be wrong, as I have never really used their juices.
You can use ProTank heads in an evod - you cannot use evod heads in a ProTank (evod heads have a larger diameter centre post connection that goes into the 510 threads, and it's too fat for a Protank and will short out.)

As you use a coil it builds up a layer of gunk on it. If that gunk gets too much then it can cause the problems you're describing. Gurgling and leaking in a evod/PT design is too much juice getting to the coil. If you unscrew the evod, hold it upside down and blow through the mouthpiece (knows as 'blowing out') often this will fix it. You're forcing excess liquid out of the coil and replacing it with air.

If an evod gets low flooding is common.
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