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Kings Custard & Monkey Jizz From Vapink King - Both In 12mg - A Review For You

Great review. Agreed monkey jizz is the one. I like kings custard a lot but I'm so into Accies ambrosia at the moment nothing comes close (GVC bit much for me).
Also agree about bobas, I've got about 50ml left but don't know what I'll do when it's gone. Hopefully AVE will has tart shipping to UK soon.
I'm in the US 3 or 4 times a year and the only way I can get the Bobas now is to order it from the UK and get it sent to my hotel in the States. It's soooo weird when we hear 'room service' and my wife is expecting Champagne and I get a delivery of the Bobas. It makes me laugh every time. That said, I always work on 'just enough for me' so I can't give it away or sell it even. I put some up on here a few months ago and nobody wanted it ???? I'm out there again in November so I'll get a 10ml sample for you. Trust me, this shit is the bollox. It was the first thing I EVER vaped and I loooooooooove it. The Gorilla Juice is just as good (if not better) but I find the Bobas is just an easier all day vape. Sorry I can't give you any now but I have to regulate the stuff. Jase.

This is my first post yippe

ive heard alit of good things bobos bounty. Any chance of getting me some if I pay you via paypal.

I ended up mixing KC with other stuff, it just wasn't for me - but I love MJ. Love it so much it was the first I tried to replicate when I started DIY, and I reckon I have one now that's as good but a bit different.

Strongly recommend Monkey Jizz.
Note to self , order more monkey jizz lol
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Nice review, although did get me a funny look when i announced i fancy getting 30ml of monkey jizz:D its like they just don't know me at times:P
this review couldnt have come at a better time....just ordered some monkey jizz....will have to get some of grants vanilla custard to at some point too
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