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Knowing when to change batteries?


Apr 10, 2014
I may of already posted this before, so excuse me if that the case :) haven't been on here a while.

I have a good understanding of battery safety, knowing what batteries to use and their capabilities but I'm not sure on how to safely work out when to swap/charge a battery once use in a mod?
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when the performance drops noticeably. The vape just "feels weak" it's hard to define but once you've experienced it a couple of times it's easy to tell.

If you take the battery out and stick it on a meter, or in a regulated mod, or on your charger (if your charger shows the charge) then you want to be recharging at about 3.6v.

Typically a new battery discharges fairly quickly from 4.2v down to about 4v it hovers around there for a while and slowly drains to about 3.7v and then it falls away quickly. When it "feels weak" is usually when this falling away happens and it means the battery charge level is at about 3.6v.

There's nothing wrong with charging a battery from 3.8v though so just change them more frequently if you're not sure.
Cheers for the advice :) would it be worth getting a inline volt metre from somewhere like Fasttech?
i just used a cheap multimeter every time i changed batteries for a while, just to make sure i wasn't over discharging. it doesn't take long to get the hang of it and you'll surprise yourself at how close the voltages of your used batteries are when you notice the drop off. it gets like a 6th sense.
I just change them whenever the performance starts dropping off

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As @moth said flavour drop off is quite marked find I swap out regularly at 3.7v

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
As @moth said flavour drop off is quite marked find I swap out regularly at 3.7v

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes

Cheers guys, Im just going to order a inline voltmeter and ohm reader off Fasttech's site. I'll use it till I'm comfortable with telling the difference.
Do I charge the battery if the battery reads 3.77 whilst under load or charge when it reads 3.7 not under load? Mine is 4.02 not under load.
when you feel that taste / vapour has been degraded. I find I tend to swap them out round about 3.5/6
My box mods use a mosfet, this won't fire the atty when the voltage drops below about 3.3 volts(under load) but I can notice the change in taste of the vapour before the mosfet stops me vaping. As others have said, it isn't long before you will be able to tell without needing a device to alert you. Practise makes perfect as they say?

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