hi I have used this jig with no issues on kanthal. Just tried it with 28/32 stainless steel Clapton and I'm struggling to get good coils.
Anyone use this jig and have advice
The part with the screw has 2 holes, one being closer to the centre than the other. For thicker/clapton wires, moving the screw to the hole further from the centre gives better results.
You only need one screw in the Kuro. If you look closely, the holes for the screws are set differently; One is closer to the center than the other, so you have to try which one best suits your clapton dpending on its thickness. So the screw closer to the center is for thinner wires and the outer one for thicker.
Have a play with both and see what works best for yours.
This is what I'm talking about, 2 on left are 28/32 SS 316 claptons, one on right is 26AWG twisted. Plain kanthal also comes out sweet.
But stainless steel seems loose n springy