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Review La Tabaccheria Burley and Black Cavendish Concentrates Review.


Sep 9, 2021
La Tabaccheria (LT) is an Italian maker of an extensive range of premium naturally extracted tobacco (NET) e-liquids in concentrates and ready to vape 10ml bottles. Until recently you had to buy directly from them and the shipping costs made them pretty expensive to try but Naturevape now stock a large selection of their 10ml concentrates so I decided to give mixing my own juice a go and try some.

I opted for the Burley Tobacco Extract and the Black Cavendish Tobacco Extract as Burley and Cavendish are both favourites of mine and I’m very familiar with them from other NET makers. I hope this review will be of interest.


LT recommend they are diluted between 5 to 15% depending on the tobacco variety and if being used as all day vape or what they call ‘tasting’ so they are quite strong. For all day vaping they recommend between 5 to 7% and 10 to 15% for tasting. Their concentrates are designed for MTL vaping and they recommend a base of 50PG/40VG and 10% double distilled water to reduce coil gunk. However as you’re mixing it you can tailor it to just how you want it.

I used a 50VG/50PG ratio and mixed 50ml as it made the sums simple with a 5% concentrate dilution as it’s easier to increase it than reduce it. The recipe used was 2.5ml concentrate (PG), 17.5ml PG, 20ml VG and a 10ml 18mg 50VG/50PG nic shot giving me about 3.5mg of nicotine. I used 60ml bottles to mix it in using syringes (20ml and 2.5ml) which fitted snugly in 250ml PG and VG bottles and the concentrate bottle so mixing it was pretty easy and less messy than I expected though the 20ml syringe tended to want to empty its contents back into the bottle!

According to LT their concentrates don’t require maturation/steeping and are shake and vape but being a bit old school I opted to steep them for a few days.


I vaped these on and off over about a couple of weeks after mixing/steeping and in my opinion steeping them for longer than a few days is a must.

Burley – Burley is a very commonly used tobacco variety and LT describe it as “Our Burley tobacco extract ensures an extremely pleasant vaping experience and even when used as an all-day its hard to get enough of it! Its taste is soft and delicate.” They recommend diluting it at 7%.

Relatively pale in colour with not much smell from the bottle or when vaped. The flavour initially was too dry and I almost gave up on it but I left it for longer and persevered, it was worth it as the flavour improved a lot. It’s a smooth vape with plenty of tobacco flavour so the 5% dilution was fine for me. It has a nice sweetness on the inhale with a drier exhale and aftertaste but by no means too dry and overall I found it became a nicely balanced vape. For me it would be fine as an all day vape and it went from being one I didn’t like to start with to one I did.

Black Cavendish – Cavendish unlike Burley isn’t a type of tobacco but an additional process in which heavy pressure is applied to the tobacco leaf to extract the sweetness. LT describe it as “The aromatic qualities of our Black Cavendish tobacco extract are perfectly balanced between slightly sweet and dry scents, to the point that it is almost impossible to precisely categorise its taste: we believe this is its greatest strength. Its taste is dry and aromatic.” They don’t say what tobacco variety it is made from (typically Cavendish is Virginia and/or Burley), they recommend diluting it at 6%.

A little darker in colour than the Burley and again not much smell. It’s a smooth vape with plenty of tobacco flavour that initially was very dry and with what I can best describe as a pronounced ‘toasted’ aftertaste that I didn’t care for but again I persevered with it. With further steeping the flavour became less dry and that aftertaste mellowed but it remained pretty dry on the inhale and exhale so I wouldn’t describe it as perfectly balanced and it’s too dry for an all day vape for me.

Final Thoughts

Juice is all about what your own taste buds tell you and whether you like a juice or not is very subjective and this is just what I thought. I found them both to be fresh, smooth and well made NETs that in my view need steeping, I’d give them a couple of weeks. Of the two I much preferred the Burley to the Cavendish. I imagine vaping above a 10% dilution would be quite an experience for your taste buds but I haven’t tried it.

Concentrates are of course more effort than ready to vape juice/shortfills and more expensive initially to try but these should go a fair way so are quite good value at £8.99 for 10ml, e.g. a 5% dilution will make 200ml of juice. To provide a comparison Juice Cabin suggest a 25% dilution for their pure NET concentrates which are about the same price for 30ml and bestcigliquid say their 10ml concentrates at £3.99 will make 60ml of juice.

Further information can be found below.
Fancy the latakia, never found a good one yet, so gave up looking, £12.99 for 10ml, is untenable for me. I simply do not believe that tobaccos (when mixed) are ready to vape, took me years and years to accept that 99% of the time it aint happening. I do have recipes that are short steeped, notably Cardinal, I can get away with a one week steep, most require 1 - 5 months. I accept that with mtl perhaps things can be different, I mainly dtl (mesh rta) but do mtl with pods. No doubt these are first class products, whereas bestcig liquid, well, they are right down the leagues. Thanks for the review, and bringing these to my attention :2thumbsup:
The cost of mixing a 50ml bottle including the concentrate, PG, VG and nicotine shot came to under £3.25 so doesn't seem expensive to me unless of course you don't like it in which case you're stuck with most of a bottle you won't use. The Latakia would come to about a quid more though the recommended dilution for it is 3-5% so should go a little further. I did ask Mark at Naturevape if he was going to stock any of their 10ml range for people to try but it appears not.
Latakia is eye wateringly strong. The raw concentrate in a 50ml bottle brings a tear to your eye. A 25 litre barrel of the stuff is on a whole different level.

Glad you like the Burley though. We've got a fresh batch of that brewing up right now.
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