Got one of these last week. No problems at all. Think i'll stick to aspire tanks from now on
Well, just ordered an Aspire Mini Vivi Nova.
So I can answer my own question very soon
It arrived this morning and I've been using it for a few hours, no gurgles, no spitting and most of all no leaks! It does use up liquid though.
Draw is a tiny bit tighter than my carto-tanks but better that than too airy.
I guess the Nautilus is next with the adjustable airflow. Bit flippin' pricey though so maybe next payday.
I think Aspire may have cracked the perfect Clearo (in my experience anyway).
Edit to the above: I tried a wide bore drip tip and got a more airy draw. The drip tip supplied is fairly narrow inside diameter so there is scope for adjusting the airflow with different drip tips. Having said that the draw with the original drip tip is very far from being too tight, I'm just saying like.
I've used ce4's, iclear 16's, iclear 30's, iclear 30B's, mini protank 2's, iclear 16B's, so far and every one either leaks gurgles or tastes bad, still looking for good tanks...(that I can afford!!!)....