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lemon and honey glycerol


Feb 3, 2014
I just noticed in Boots they sell lemon and honey glycerol, would it be vapeable? Just add nicotine and water?
Each 5ml of syrup contains Glycerol (E4220 0.75ml, Honey 1.11g (0.4g as glucose), Liquid Sugar 2.2ml.
Also contains: purified water, citric acid, benzoic acid (E210), lemon oil, distilled lime oil, terpeneless lemon oil.

Vaping oils isn't the best bet so I read somewhere on here few months back.

shezzuk1 no as it contains oils... can be really bad for the lungs... popcorn lung I think it's called... I really wanted to try some natural extracts but many of these also contain oils when extracted... there plain vg is vapeable but never buy one with additives sometimes not all ingredients are listed. .. always check. .. especially as oils can just be listed as flavouring. .. it's why you can't just add any food flavouring to vape. .. some are fine... many are not... and more often than not you won't get a full detailed break down of all it has in it... diacetyl for example... it's food safe but bad to inhale as are oils...and many food flavourings are also oil based... but not necessarily obvious. .. for example citrus most herbs and spices. ..etc.
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