@ZenAnarchi and welcome to the planet.
Thats a tricky one as this list only came about by all the recomendations by members that were always talking about different suppliers so i though it would be a good idea to post them all in one place. back then it started with 30 or 40 and has now grown to hundreds.
its hard enough keeping the links upto date as you would not believe how many 404 pages ive had to change from blank pages as the item had been moved to another page.
the links only usually get added when ive had 2-3 recommendations or ive used them myself so as the forum is (im guessing) a good 90% uk members so thats why you dont see many non uk suppliers except for France, Isreal and of course China.
Im sure there are a good few on there that ship wordwide but since all the malarky with paypal dropping ecigs a lot of people wont use debit cards which have no protection like paypal did and a lot of suppliers like vape club are dropping shipping overseas as well.
I dont rebuild so would have to rely on other members that do to advise on their suppliers.
you could start a new post in the new user section and ask the same question.
if you get enough shops mentioned then i could add an eu / international section.
stupidity, no way, its a great question. stick around and join in and you may well get some good recs from other members.