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Looking for 100% VG advice


New Member
May 19, 2017
Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time poster looking for some advice. I've been vaping for about 8-9 years now and mixing my own liquid for about 75% of that time.
Since I got used to vaping early and since I'm not a cloud chasing mofo I usually mix about 30/70 VG to PG and vape at 8-9w which has served me well. I'm using a Nautilus 2S at the minute and really like it.

However I've got some new anti-biotics to take soon that suggest not having any contact with alcohol or Polypropylene Glycol to avoid feeling super sick... So, I intend to spend the few days I take it vaping 100% VG, high VG liquids are something that I've never really gotten on with over the years when I've tried them, I always found that the coil couldn't wick it well and I ended up with a lot of dry hits.

I'm really looking for some advice as to which tank/coil setup would be best for this and perhaps recommendation for providers for 100% VG based flavour concentrate or even premixed liquid with a decent flavour choice since I'll only be on it for a few days.
Any advice you have regarding thinning out VG based E-liquid would also be very gratefully received.

So sorry to hear you are in need of medical attention. I've heard of people using distilled water to dilute VG to make it easier to wick. Since I've not had a reason to use anything other than PG, I don't know the ratio of distilled water to add to VG. I'm sure others more knowledgeable will come along soon. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you.

Some places do AVG, which is VG watered down with distilled water. I've seen some places have flavour concs that are VG based. I'll have a think and a Google to try and remember both. Maybe another helpful ape will be along with the info before that [emoji3]
Are you using RTAs or RDAs, please. The wicking is specific to each type of tank? I've found it's RTAs that tend to suffer more from high VG.
My solution was to really thin the wicking out, that goes into the juice port, but ensure these tails are fairly long, if that makes sense. This, I find, let's the cotton hold as much juice as possible, without the cotton being too thick to wick properly. This may not be a total solution, I know, but it was a step forward to me.
I'll be honest, in your situation I'd prolly just lay off the vaping until the med course is done.
Oh really. Lol what would you call it then? Lol

It's a tank, more specifically a stock coil tank.

RTA stands for Rebuildable Tank Atomiser, the key word being "rebuildable".

If a tank takes stock coils, it's not an RTA. I suppose it might be a TA, at a push.

Some "TAs" have an option of an RBA (ReBuildable Atomiser) head, which replaces the stock coil - but it doesn't make it into an RTA.

(RDA is Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser, dripping meaning you drip on the liquid instead of having it fed from a tank.

Then you have RSA/RDSA, RDTA and I'm also proposing RDSTA.)
Hi, www.justvape247 do a good range of VG based flavour concentrates. They also sell AVG which is pre mixed VG with distilled water.
If you want to thin VG down with distilled water, use approx 10% distilled water. This will make the overall liquid slightly thinner to aid the wick to saturate easier.
Hope this helps.
I forgot to add, if you use VG Nic and VG Flavour concentrate and 100% VG, you will have to use approx 10-20% distilled water to thin the juice enough to feed the wick properly. Most tanks will be ok for this but will gum the coil up quicker but as you will be only doing this for a short while it wont really matter.
Another point worth mentioning, VG based flavour concentrates tend to have to be mixed at a higher percentage.....around 20%
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