Update.Have you got the OBS engine V2?
No. Don't. This may be user error, but I've been getting an issue where the outer chamber of the rta housing is going wonky. The bottom rebuildable base part seems to screw on fine but then won't fully tighten on the threading. Spins with the chamber while tightening, if I'm explaining correctly?
Sound. Like I said, could have been user error here. Could have been that bad one out of a good batch. I don't know. I have no reference. All I can say for sure is that my V2 went wonky. And I like OBS engines. I've got two standard and one nano, which see weekly use (minimum). The engine V2 could be total design flaw. The cheetah V2 was (for me anyway).Thanks, but the FP was a steal at £20, and I'll be ordering a clone Dvarw with the FT discount because it's single coil - I have some nice single battery mods not getting used.
The Engine will stay on the "How did I not get one of these?" list for now.
The V1 is 5.2ml according to the packaging. Don't know about the V2 though.+1 for the OBS Engine. I'm not sure if it's quite 5 mil but certainly close to it. It's a fantastic tank, amazing flavor and easy to build and wick.